𝟒. 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩

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"You gotta be kidding me" I sigh frustrated. "Oh come on sweetheart I know ya love me" Dallas says with a wink as he walks with me on the side walk.

"Gross, it's the other way around I feel like you're obsessed with me" I say knowing that's gonna anger him. "What?!" He shouts letting out a chuckle

"That's the funniest shit I've heard ya say" he says. I just roll my eyes "I'm not lying. Considering how much you talk to me I can't help but think other wise" I joke

"Your full of it man" he says throwing his cigarette on the ground walking away from me

I let out a giggle. God it's so fun messing with him

"Me and your brothers are going to the drive in wanna come?" Darry asks. "I might show up with Dove who knows" I say shrugging my shoulders

"Okay, we're going sound seven so you got some time" he says walking into the kitchen. I stand from the couch and walk to my room.

The movies don't sound half bad. I just know Dallas is gonna be there, and I don't feel like putting up with his pain in the ass.

Later that evening me and Dove are hanging out in her room gossiping about all sorts of things. "Heard there's a really good movie playin' tonight wanna go see it?" She asks

"I don't care it's up to ya. The whole gangs going." I say with a sigh knowing it's for sure we're going.

"Meaning Dally?" She asks with a grin. I just nod my head and sigh. "We're going" she tells standing from her bed walking to her closest.

"Since my crush is gonna be there we both gotta look good" she yaps. "Wait why do I gotta look good I ain't gotta crush" I say rolling off her bed.

"Well, we outta find ya one" she winks. "Oh good heavens" I mumble

After a while she finally find me, and herself a "good" outfit. Doves always caught up with all the fashion trends.

Doves parents are rich, meaning she's a Soc, but she always hangs out with the greasers. She hate the socs and you would never know she was one.

"Okay so this is what I have picked out for you. She hands me a black skirt, and a with red long sleeved shirt.

"Dove.. I'm not wearing that" I say pointing to the outfit she's picked out for me. "Oh whatever you are" she says

Doves picked herself out Jean shorts with a white flowy tank top.

"Oh heavens" I mumble

Me and Dove both change into the outfits she's picked out. The skirts a little bit tiny in me considering I have bigger hips then Dove

Meaning the skirt goes up higher than supposed to. "Dove Darry's gonna kill me" I say looking at myself in the mirror tucking in the red shirt.

The shirt does make my boobs look good, and I almost like never wear clothes like this. "Oh come on you only live once" she says walking over to me with red lip stick that she layers onto her lips

"Want some?" She asks hanging it too me. "No I'll stick with my lip gloss" I joke.

"Suit yourself" she smirks.

"Okay let's go, but be quiet" she says whispering. Doves parents aren't fond of me or my siblings considering we're greasers.

We sneak down the stairs and out of the house

"This is gonna be fun"

Chapter 4 🤗

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | ᵈᵃˡˡʸ ʷⁱⁿˢᵗᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now