Chapter 12: We have to keep moving

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Trunks, Naruto, and the rest reached the area where Sasuke was last at. The entire area was destroyed with only a wall that had the Uchiha clan symbol on it standing. Kakashi, Hinata, and Kiba tried they're best to find any sort of clue that can lead them to Sasuke but unfortunately they weren't able to find anything. Naruto was visibly upset by this as he had his hand on that same wall with the Uchiha symbol. Sakura came to console him and was soon joined by Trunks and then Yamato asked Kakashi what's their next move which Kakashi replied to go back to the village. 

Some time passed as the team finally made it back to Konoha after some small conflicts that they got involved in which caused them to be out of the village for a few days longer than they should've. Kakashi told everyone to go rest as he and Yamato will go and report the mission, everyone nodded as they all said their goodbyes and went in separate directions. Before Sakura left, Trunks asked her if she had a minute, she replied saying that she's not doing anything. He asked if she can come to his house for a minute as he wanted to give her something, she agreed and the two headed towards Trunks' house. When they made it, Trunks asked, "hey, you don't mind waiting outside? This won't take long, I'm just gonna give it to you and you can be on your way", "uhh sure" replied Sakura. Trunks nodded and went inside and after about two minutes he came back out with some flowers. Sakura was visibly shocked by this and then Trunks said, "I know your birthday just passed but we were out on our mission and then we didn't get back by the time your birthday came so I thought I should give you your gift now instead waiting any longer", Trunks than handed the bouquet of flowers to her which knocked Sakura out of her shock. Sakura took the flowers and began to examine them, Trunks began to explain that while he was out training, he found a field of flowers and thought he should get some for Sakura since he knew she loved flowers and her birthday was coming up, Sakura was still at a loss of words and then she noticed some cherry blossom flowers and got really excited. "You found cherry blossom flowers" exclaimed Sakura, "uhh yea, there were all types of flowers and I decided to just grab the ones I thought looked the nicest" replied Trunks, "I love cherry blossoms! Thank you so much Trunks" said Sakura as she gave Trunks a hug, Trunks blushed a bit and said, "y-your welcome", she then let go and Trunks said, "actually the flowers weren't my original gift", "what do you mean" asked Sakura, "well to be honest with you, I've been working on something special for you to help you progress in your journey to become stronger" said Trunks, "r-really, you didn't have to do that" said Sakura a bit shocked, "well after hearing your stories and seeing you on missions, I've seen how depressed you can get when you think you aren't contributing enough to mission even though I personally think you do more than enough as a medical ninja. I took it upon myself to help you feel more involved and not feel like you are just a bystander. But the reason why I didn't give you this gift yet is because I haven't finished it yet, it needs a few more tweaks before it's ready but I promise to give it to you soon and show you how to use it" said Trunks who had a thumb up. Sakura was really taken aback by what Trunks said and began to blush a bit, Sakura then smiled and said thank you for everything he's doing before beginning to walk home. They both waved goodbye and Trunks went into his house, Trunks was tired but decided to work on the time machine doing little things like maintenance and then went to bed. 

The next day, Trunks decided to sleep in as he didn't get much rest while on the Itachi mission, after a few more hours, Trunks woke up to knocking on his window from Kakashi as he told him that they were summoned to the hokage office. Trunks got up and got ready and headed to the office. When he got there, Trunks saw Kakashi, Sai, Sakura and a strange toad that reminded Trunks of Jiraiya were there and they were just waiting on Naruto. When Naruto got there, he made fun of the toad a bit until Tsunade and Shizune told Naruto who he was and Naruto was shocked. After a few moments of silence, lord Fukasaku revealed to Naruto that Jiraiya died. When Fukasaku finished saying this, a blank look appeared on Naruto's face. Trunks, who wasn't aware of this as well was also visibly shocked. Fukasaku continued talking about Jiraiya's mission and how the hideout of the akatsuki is in the hidden rain village, he then revealed the message that he engraved on Fukasaku's back. When Fukasaku stated that that's everything he had to say, Naruto asked Tsunade if she sent Jiraiya on that mission which after a few moments she confirmed it and Naruto began to get really upset and started lashing out but Kakashi stopped him and Naruto left. Sakura was about to go after him but Tsunade said to let him go but then Trunks began to go and Tsunade said the same thing but then Trunks said, "I'm sorry miss Tsunade but I agree with Naruto on this. I've lost so many people that I've loved, people I swore to protect, to lose another person I care about", Trunks began to shed a few tears and then began to get a little angry and nearly destroyed the door but he left before it got worse. The room got gloomier when Trunks left as they were able to hear real anguish in his voice but they continued talking for a bit longer before breaking up. After a few hours, Trunks found Naruto sitting on top of a electrical pole and Trunks got on top of a roof next to Naruto. After a few moments Trunks said, "Naruto, I can see the pain in your eyes. Losing someone you admired and loved is never easy. I've been through a similar loss myself, and I understand what you're going through", after a few moments of silence, Naruto finally replied, "Trunks... It's so hard. Jiraiya was like a father to me. He believed in me when no one else did. And now he's gone", I know, Naruto. Losing someone who played such a significant role in your life... it feels like a part of you is missing. When I lost my master, Gohan, it devastated me. He was not only my teacher but also my closest friend. I looked up to him, just as you looked up to Jiraiya", said Trunks "Gohan... I remember you mentioning him before", said Naruto "it was the darkest time of my life, Naruto. I felt lost, angry, and confused. I questioned everything, including my own abilities. But eventually, I realized that Gohan's teachings and his spirit still lived within me. He had prepared me for a future without him, just as Jiraiya has prepared you", "but it hurts, Trunks... It hurts so much. How do I move forward" asked Naruto shedding a few tears, "Naruto, the pain won't go away overnight. It's something you have to face and embrace. Remember the lessons Jiraiya taught you, the values he instilled in you. Carry his legacy within your heart and let it guide you. Use your grief as fuel to become even stronger, just as I did with Gohan. Your determination is what sets you apart from the rest. Jiraiya saw something special in you, just as Gohan saw something special in me. Their belief in us should be a driving force to keep pushing forward, even in the face of loss. We have to keep moving" said Trunks looking at Naruto. Naruto looked up and turned his head towards Trunks and after a few moments, Naruto let out a little smile and said, "thank you Trunks", Trunks smiled and nodded and left Naruto and went home. 

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