Chapter 19: Now...

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After a few more hours of walking, the group had finally made it back to village and was instantly greeted by Konohamaru and the rest. After that, before they split apart, they met up up with the rest of their comrades near some lumber. Naruto and Sakura took it upon themselves to explain to them everything that has happened and Trunks filled in the gray areas when Sakura or Naruto weren't there to witness it. Everyone was visibly shocked by everything that Sasuke had done and how far he has progressed in terms of power. "That's why I want you to let me handle Sasuke" said Naruto, Tenten was the first to decline his request as she asked how he can expect the rest of them to agree to these terms. Everyone besides Sakura and Trunks, who stayed quiet, began to agree with Tenten's statement. Naruto began to argue with everyone and at some point in the argument, Sakura joined in to try and and defend Naruto but it proved futile as the group counter any of Sakura's points. Naruto then said that no one should try and fight Sasuke right now, and that he is the only one who can face him. Lee then asked why couldn't Trunks fight Sasuke, he then suggested that Trunks was as strong or even stronger than Naruto. This prompted everyone to look at Trunks, expecting an answer which is what they got. Trunks decided to lie, stating that he did indeed fight Sasuke and were mostly even, but when he used his susanoo, he barely stood a chance. Shikamaru then asked Trunks if he could beat him with that transformation of his. Trunks then lied again, saying he's unsure and believes it wouldn't be enough. This really surprised the group minus Naruto as they were even more shocked by how insane Sasuke's power has become that even Trunks couldn't beat him. Naruto then nonchalantly put his arm behind his head and told the rest to just leave to him and began to walk away, ignoring everyone who was calling his name. Kiba was really annoyed by Naruto's mysteriousness and ultimately cooled down and also left. Everyone then began to leave, saying their goodbyes of course and went back to their duties. Trunks said goodbye and went in the direction of his home to rest since it seemed like there would no missions to do from now on since the war is approaching. Once he made it to his house, Trunks entered and immediately put all his stuff and laid on his couch in his small living room and fell asleep for two hours. 

When Trunks woke up, he was feeling pretty hungry but he decided to clean himself up first before eating. After showering, Trunks noticed when he looked in his mirror that his hair was beginning to get pretty long but he didn't pay it too much mind since he never really cared about his looks but he did tie it to the best of his ability into a ponytail so that it wouldn't get in the way. Once out the shower, Trunks decided to make beef stir fry noodles and ate at his living room table. Trunks made sure to make six bowls worth of beef stir fry noodles to fill his appetite. When Trunks finished, he cleaned up and went to meditate in the middle of his living room to do a bit of image training. After an hour of image training, Trunks took a deep breath as he opened his eyes and then looked towards his laboratory and said, "now... back to work." Trunks got up and went into the room; once inside, he took his capsule containing the time machine, and threw it into the middle of the room. The usual explosion happened and after a few seconds, Trunks was able to see the time machine out of the smoke. Trunks immediately got to work and spent the rest of his day working on it.

The next day, Trunks woke up and did his usual routine. Once he was done, Trunks went out to the outskirts of the village and found a clearing to train. Trunks went to the middle of the clearing and took a deep breath and then started training. Trunks' movements were so fast that small rocks and trees around him began to float and sway ferociously. Trunks didn't stop there as he began to yell and power up to his max in base form.

 Trunks didn't stop there as he began to yell and power up to his max in base form

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