Chapter 15: There's something I need to tell you

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"I can see them Trunks. We made it" said Naruto, Trunks looked down to confirm what Naruto said as he did indeed begin to see the remains of the village and a giant crowd of people. Trunks told Naruto to hang on as his golden aura flared, descending down to where all the people were. One of the citizens in the crowd told everyone to look up as he pointed at where he was looking, people began to look at where the guy was pointing and noticed it was Trunks and Naruto. "It's Naruto" shouted one person, "and Trunks too" shouted another, everyone began cheering and shouting as they watched Trunks and Naruto get closer to the ground and when they landed, they surrounded the two. Naruto and Trunks were really surprised by the way they were received as a bunch of kids began surrounding Naruto and a bunch of citizens and ninjas began surrounding Trunks. They were both quite overwhelmed but happy about it and then they all began to back off of them as both of their comrades began to approach. They congratulated them as Sakura finally reached them. She first went up to Naruto and punched him on the head scolding him but as Naruto was falling, Sakura caught him and gave him a hug and saying thank you. Everyone began to praise, commend, and flatter Naruto as they looked back at how no one liked him at first and thought he would be nobody but after multiple achievements that Naruto earned, he became a hero in the village. Trunks watched as he smiled also looking back at Naruto's progress since he came to the village believing he deserved all the praise he was getting. After a few moments, they turned their eyes towards Trunks as they all approached him. Sakura was as she gave him a big hug and also told him thank you, Trunks was flattered by all the praise he was getting as he put his hand behind as head.

 Sakura was as she gave him a big hug and also told him thank you, Trunks was flattered by all the praise he was getting as he put his hand behind as head

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(Something like this)

After some more moments of praising, Sakura finally asked about Trunks' hair and the others began to join her in asking how he did that. Trunks, who forgot he was still transformed, looked up in the sky, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and powered down.

 Trunks, who forgot he was still transformed, looked up in the sky, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and powered down

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Everyone watched as Trunks' hair went back to normal and were amazed by it. When Trunks opened his eyes, he looked at everyone with a serious expression and said, "Everyone, there's something I need to tell you", everyone had an expression of confusion and intrigue, Trunks continued, "It's about my origins and who I really am. You see, the truth is much more complicated than what I've told you", everyone had a look of some doubt other than Tsunade who already knew who Trunks was and only showed a serious expression. "The truth is that I'm not from a distant village. I come from a future timeline, a timeline ravaged by destruction and despair", everyone was shocked by what Trunks was saying but many looks of doubt began to appear on multiple people's faces. "The story I've shared with you was only partially true. The two unknown assailants that wiped out my people are known as android 17 and 18. In my timeline, the androids killed nearly everyone and there was only a select few of us left that could stand up to the androids. That was me and my master and best friend Gohan who you all know. It was a relentless struggle.  My master, Gohan, fought bravely against them, but he too fell victim to their overwhelming power. That's when I unlocked the power you've all just seen. With Gohan gone, I was the only one left to fight the androids but every encounter with the androids left me battered and nearly defeated and I narrowly escaped every single time. Everything looked bleak as I wasn't strong enough to fight the two of them but my mom came up with the idea to create a time machine", everyone was shocked listening to this story but still had their doubts but Trunks' tone told them that he wasn't joking, "I didn't want to go through with my mom's idea to go back to the past but she created the time machine nonetheless and after my last encounter with the androids that left me nearly dead, I finally agreed with her and after a few days, my mom prepared the time machine and I jumped to the past to warn my friends and family about the looming threat that was approaching them. After I warned them, my job there was done and I got back in the time machine hoping that would change the future but on my way back, there was a malfunction in the machine and it ended throwing me here. When I woke up, I was really confused but then I regained my senses and looked at the time machine and realized it was badly damaged and it was gonna take some time before I could repair it and go back to the place where I belong. When I realized this, I knew that I was gonna need help and that's when I came across Jiraiya and he brought me here to the village and met all of you guys and you all have become very precious people to me as you are the first real friends that I have made since there wasn't anyone that I knew in my timeline, that's why I swore to myself that I will protect you all and everyone in this village until I return back to my timeline", everyone looked at Trunks with mixed expressions but then Naruto approached Trunks and said, "even though this all sounds bizarre and crazy, after all this time of knowing you and everything you've done for this village, I know you wouldn't lie to us and I know that I can trust you", Naruto then smiled and gestured for a fist bump, Trunks looked around and saw that everyone was smiling, agreeing with what Naruto said, this made Trunks smile as he gave Naruto a fist bump. Everyone began cheering again as they surrounded both Trunks and Naruto again as they picked both of them up and threw em up into the air. They both had giant smiles on their faces as the crowd shouted both of their names.

A few days have passed and everyone was working together in rebuilding the village. Now that Trunks had nothing to hide, he was able fly around freely without being afraid that someone would see him; because of this he was really helpful during the rebuild of the village. Trunks would transport heavy materials across the village and even transport people to make the process faster. Everyone adored Trunks for his kindness and supportive nature and he quickly became a famous person in the village. 

Trunks and Naruto went around into multiple medical tents bringing food and water and also checking in on everyone. They eventually made it to the tent that Sakura was in and Shizune was there too, they brought them their food and asked how Tsunade was doing since she fell into a coma. Shizune said she was okay but they don't know when she'll wake, Trunks noticed that Sakura was really down and asked her if there was something wrong. She said she was fine and smiled but Trunks knew she wasn't but decided to not push it anymore. Kakashi then came into the tent and told the three to come with him on a little mission. They of course nodded and joined him as Shizune assured Sakura that Tsunade will be fine. The four then left in the direction of the forest. After about thirty minutes of walking, Trunks sensed Kiba rushing towards them from behind and he alerted the others. They all turned around and waited for Kiba to reach them, once Kiba reached them, Sakura asked, "what's wrong Kiba", "lady Tsunade has been relieved as the hokage", Naruto, Sakura, and Trunks had a shocked expression on their face when he said this, "someone named Danzo will now be the sixth hokage. I don't know much but apparently he's been active behind the scenes", everyone was in their thought wondering who Danzo was until Kakashi said, "I have a bad feeling about this", "and that's not the only shocking thing. The sixth hokage has declared Sasuke as a rouge ninja", Sakura and Naruto were completely caught off guard by this, Naruto got really upset but then Kakashi said, "they couldn't wait until lady Tsunade recovered so it makes sense in a way. Sasuke is indeed a rouge ninja but since lady Tsunade was the hokage, he was kept alive", Sakura declared she was going to go see Danzo but Kakashi stopped her saying it won't change anything. She then said, "lady Tsunade isn't even conscious yet. How could they do this to her? And what about Sasuke, you can't expect me to be quiet", I'm coming with you too" said Naruto, "calm down you two. At a time like this, staying calm is crucial for things to work out" replied Kakashi, Naruto got more upset and said, "how can I stay calm. I won't let them lay a hand on Sasuke" shouted Naruto, Kakashi continued to tell them to calm down as Trunks stepped in as well and told them to calm down. They finally began to calm down but were still visibly upset about this situation and they began to return back to the village. On they're way, they came across Sai and Sakura and Naruto ran up to him asking him if he knew anything about Danzo. Sai replied saying that it is impossible for him to talk about Danzo as he reveals a curse mark on his tongue which shocks the two. As they were talking, two ninjas from the hidden cloud came out of nowhere and demanded Sakura to tell them about Sasuke, Naruto immediately retaliated as he took Sai's sword from his back and tried to attack them. The second cloud blocked Naruto and Naruto quickly created a shadow clone, the first cloud ninja tried to swing their sword but the clone Naruto caught the sword and stopped them in their tracks. Sai and Sakura then ran behind the two to try and attack them but one of the cloud ninjas hopped on their fellow ninja's back and kicked Sakura in the face and knocked her away. Trunks, who just made it to the scene, saw Sakura flying and caught her before she hit the wall, "are you okay Sakura" said Trunks with a tone of concern, "yeah I'm fine. Thanks Trunks" replied Sakura, Trunks helped Sakura up and said, "who are these two", "judging by their headbands, they're ninjas from the hidden cloud." Trunks then saw that one of them was about to hit Sai but he blitzed in between them and stopped the attack, Trunks then quickly kicked the ninja towards their teammate and asked, "what do you guys want", "you guys were just talking about Sasuke! Tell us what you were saying" replied one of the hidden cloud ninjas, "this has nothing to do with you hidden cloud ninja" shouted Sakura, the hidden cloud ninjas then revealed that Sasuke attacked their village which visibly shocked Naruto and Sakura. They continued by saying he abducted their master and they don't even know if he's alive or not. Sakura didn't believe them and asked why Sasuke would do such a thing. They replied saying they don't know what the akatsuki's motives are. This surprised the group as Naruto asked what they meant, they scoffed at this thinking they were joking and said that Sasuke is a member of the akatsuki. Everyone was shocked by this revelation but didn't have time to think as the two hidden cloud ninjas continued to demand the group to tell them everything they know about Sasuke. Sai told them that they should've already received all the information about Sasuke from the hidden leaf already. They agreed with Sai but said they wanted to get any other information about him if they had the chance. Naruto then told the that he too is a jinchuriki and told them that their master is still alive and that he'll go with them to rescue him and tell them anything he knew about the akatsuki. The others were unsure about this but Naruto told them to trust him. They all watched as Naruto left with the two and as they were preparing to leave, Sai said he was gonna follow them and make sure Naruto was okay. They nodded as they watched Sai disappear in a cloud of smoke. Trunks and Sakura then walked back to the village.


Hello readers. Hope you guys liked the chapter. I'm not gonna lie, I feel like my storytelling was really bad while I was writing this but I promise to try and be better by the time the next chapter is out.

That's all I have to say so until then..Goodbye :)

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