Chapter 21: Ummm, your joking right Trunks?

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There were only a few days left before everyone believed before the war would begin. 

The day after Trunks and the rest separated after being at that restaurant, Trunks took it upon himself to train anyone who would accept his offer to help his comrades further refine their skills and train their body. Sakura, Hinata, Lee, Kiba, Tenten, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru accepted his offer with everyone else respectfully declining, saying they want to prepare on their own. Trunks woke up early the next day, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that the impending war required their team to be stronger than ever before. With determination in his heart, he made his way to the training grounds. As Trunks arrived, he found Sakura, Hinata, Lee, Kiba, Tenten, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru waiting for him, doing their own exercises. "I'm glad to see all of you here, ready to push yourselves further. Our training will focus on honing your skills and strengthening your bodies. Are you all prepared" asked Trunks. The group nodded in unison, their eyes reflecting their determination. And so, their intensive training began. Trunks tailored each session to the individual needs of his comrades, pushing them to their limits and encouraging them to surpass their previous boundaries. He combined his knowledge from his own experiences and the techniques he had learned throughout his journey.

Under Trunks' guidance, Sakura focused on refining her medical ninjutsu, enhancing her healing abilities to support the team during battles. Sakura also had one on one spars with Trunks to further improve her close combat and ability to fight someone who is clearly stronger than her, showing her techniques and tricks she can use to try and outsmart her opponent. Hinata honed her byakugan, improving her perception and agility to become an even more formidable ninja as well as train her gentle fist with the help of Trunks and further enhanced it. Lee worked tirelessly, training his body to new heights, his determination shining through in every movement. Similar to what Trunks did with Sakura, Trunks did one on one fights with Lee, encouraging him to open his gates and try his absolute best against him.

Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru focused on their teamwork, strengthening their bond and synchronizing their attacks flawlessly. Tenten honed her weapon mastery, exploring new techniques and strategies with precision and finesse. Though Trunks' swordsmanship was not on the level of Tenten, his incredible strength and speed made up for the areas he lacked and he and Tenten would spar with each other to refine her skills. Trunks also attempted to show Tenten how to infuse her chakra into her weapons, similar to how Asuma used to but she was struggling with doing that but Trunks encouraged to keep trying and so she did. Ino expanded her mind-altering abilities, delving deeper into her mind transfer jutsu, Trunks instructed Ino to meditate more and become more connected to nature and animals and broaden her reach to send information to others. Choji worked on enhancing his physical strength and perfecting his expansion jutsu. Trunks also recognized Shikamaru's tactical brilliance and worked closely with him, fine-tuning his strategies and helping him develop new ways to outsmart their opponents.

For the next four days, everyone trained hard and nonstop and their power increased greatly, but, everyone was slightly exhausted due to the fact that they have been training nonstop with the only breaks being when they need to eat or sleep. On the third day of they're four day training regiment, Trunks instructed everyone to rest because he didn't want anyone to overdue and hurt themselves. On the last day, everyone gathered at the training ground they've been at for the last few days. Once everyone was together, Trunks wanted to take a moment and recognize and praise everyone for their growth in the last few days, calling out certain people for they're achievements and breaking their limits like Tenten who managed to infuse her chakra in her weapons though it still isn't efficient but its a start, Hinata and Ino for broadening their range and effectiveness using their respective abilities, and Sakura and Lee for becoming high level taijusu fighters. Once he was done, Trunks finally told everyone what they'll be doing on they're last day, "alright everyone, for our last day of training we'll be doing one final spar." "Alright! What kind of spar will it be" shouted Lee with enthusiasm, "it will be team spar" replied Trunks, "okay, who will be on either team" asked Ino curiously. "It will be all of you guys versus me" replied Trunks with a straight face. Everyone looked at Trunks quietly, processing what he just said until Choji said, "ummm, your joking right Trunks", Trunks looked at Choji as if he said something wrong and they realized he wasn't kidding. "Look Trunks, I think everyone agrees that you are really strong and stronger than us individually, but I don't think you can take all of us on at the same time" said Kiba concerned, "yeah Trunks, this is a little crazy don't you think" asked Tenten, agreeing with Kiba. Trunks stood before his comrades, their words echoing in his ears. He understood their concerns and hesitations, but he knew that this final spar would be a vital test of their growth and teamwork. "I understand your doubts, but trust me, this is an important challenge for all of you. Throughout our training, I've witnessed each of you break your limits and push yourselves further than ever before. This spar will allow everyone to gauge our collective strength and identify areas where we can improve and see how you guys would fight against someone who is stronger than you." The group exchanged glances, contemplating Trunks' words. Sakura stepped forward and spoke with a hint of reluctance, "Trunks, we trust you. If you believe that this spar will help us grow even stronger, then we're up for the challenge. We've come this far together, and it's time to put our training to the test." The others looked at each other and eventually nodded at Trunks in agreement. Trunks smiled cheerfully saying alright and then composed himself as he began doing some stretches, preparing for the fight. While he was doing that, Shikamaru gathered the others to try and devise a plan for how to defeat Trunks. He suggested that Kiba, Akmaru, Hinata, Tenten, and Choji go first and mainly act as a distraction while Sakura and Lee join in later to try and land a surprise attack on Trunks. He and Ino will mainly act as support with Ino observing Trunks and relaying any information such as possible weak points to the rest of the team and he himself trying to use his shadows to catch Trunks off guard. Once their plan was set, they broke the huddle and turned to look at Trunks who finished his stretches. Trunks turned to look at everyone and then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once his eyes reopened, a smirk appeared on his face and he began to yell. The ground began to shake and rocks began levitating near Trunks as he transformed into super saiyan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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