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Jeonghan is now sitting in is room thinking about his meeting with seungcheol he is not mad at him but felt weird at his answer he felt a knock at his door he wondered who it is at this late hour

He opened the door revealing seungkwan his younger brother looking at him with big eyes

"What are you doing this late ?? Don't you have exams tomorrow??" Jeonghan questioned raising his eyebrow

"No... and I want to talk with you" seungkwan said pushing jeonghan out of way sitting in the bed

Jeonghan closed the door lazily and both the brothers than sat at the bed

"So.. do you like.....seungcheol hyung ?"seungkwan questioned with a little shyness is his voice

Jeonghan raised his brows at his brother but answered " I don't know"

"Oh... Come on your eyes were saying otherwise.. how you were staring at him at dinner and your cheeks how red they were like cherries "

"It..it was not lik- like tha.. that" jeonghan managed to say stuttering a little with shyness

Seungkwan raised his eyebrows and smirked a little

"I think you should go to sleep now.. " he said pushing seungkwan out of the room

Jeonghan sighed in flustration and decided to go to sleep

Next morning

Jeonghan phone ringed early in the morning he quickly picked it up he get annoyed a little seeing the time which is 7 am he lazily answer


"Jeonghan it's me Joshua do you want to go for morning walk?" joshua said in an enthusiastic tone

"Shua.. please let me sleep some another day okay" jeoghan said lazily cutting the call .

Few hour later

An another call disturbed him

"Hello" jeonghan said lazily

"Han.. get up it's getting late remember we have planned a day out" Joshua said in the call

"Shua please let me sleep why are u calling me this early don't call me now.. I'll talk with you later" he said hanging up the call fully annoyed

Around 10 am

Jeonghan again got a call but this time he was fully annoyed and angry he just pick up the call without seeing the ID and started yelling
" Yah.. don't you understand what I said.. why are you calling me this much that too this early.. if you call me again I'm gonna beat you up.. you have a husband enjoy your time with him.. stop irritating me "

"But we are not married yet jeonghan" the person from the other side said in a husky voice taking jeonghan out of his sleep immediately

"Se- seung- seungcheol "

"Yeah it's me before you start yelling once again.... I called you for asking your decision.. so what's it ?"

"About what"jeonghan said but soon realised but seungcheol is talking about

"It's a yes" jeonghan said shyly


"Yes"seungcheol said in a husky voice

Jeonghan jumped out of bed hearing that seungcheol hang up the call and jeonghan still believe it was a dream he quickly freshed up and came downstairs for breakfast.

"Why Are u smiling like an idiot" seungkwan munching on his sandwich

Jeonghan give him a side eye and asked his mother " mom did seungcheol called?"

"Mrchoi called telling us seungcheol's descision we are very happy to hear that" his mother said smiling

"Did seungcheol called you?" Mrs yoon asked

"Yes" suddenly the realisation hit him how he yelled at him and scolded him he then felt so guilty "I have to apologise to him" jeonghan thought

"Mom me and hansol are going to seungcheol hyung company" seungkwan yelled from the dining table in which his mother nodded with a smile.

"Why.. are you going there" jeonghan asked.

"Hansol wants me to show the company and we talked with seungcheol hyung he told me to come there he is kinda free today... mom knows about this" seungkwan explained

"I will also come with you..umm.. I'll get bored staying at home that's why " jeonghan said shyly

Seungkwan just side eyed him with a smirk "Get ready fast.. hansol is on his way to pick us up"

At seungcheol's company

Jeonghan , hansol and seungkwan came infront of the company Vernon was shocked to hear that jeonghan is coming with them but not disappointed.

"Let's get inside" hansol said to the brothers

They went to 13th floor were seungcheol's office jeonghan was a little nervous but he know that he should apologise.

Hansol lead them to seungcheol's office and opened the door

"Hyung your fiance is here" hansol said

Seungcheol look up from his desk to jeonghan standing there with seungkwan and hansol

"Hello hyung how are you thank u for inviting us" seungkwan said excitedly

"I'm fine kwannie and it's my pleasure to see you here" seungcheol said with a smile

Jeonghan was just looking down in his fingers

"You guys talk lemme show kwannie the company" hansol said and left with seungkwan leaving jeonghan alone with a shock in his face .

" Hello mr-soon-to-be-choi" seungcheol said in a husky voice coming infront of him making jeonghan cheeks more red

" Umm I came here to say so- sorry to you ab-about today morning.. I just woke up and my friend was already called me so much so I was kind of irritated and didn't checked the ID" jeonghan explained stuttering

"Is that so.. " seungcheol said he started teasing him and started taking slow and steady step towards him

Jeonghan kept stepping back with each step seungcheol make towards him

Both of them are again losing themselves on each other's eyes

Jeonghan didn't noticed that both of them are so close to each other and there is no way to go when his back hit the glass wall of the room .

Jeonghan turned back to see behind him and when he saw the glass wall and the view of the city from there he terrified a little and hugged seungcheol...

Seungcheol became a little shock.. but he looked down to the small figure hugging him with fast heartbeats



Sorry for the cliffhanger but see you guys soon..

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Ba bye...

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