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Seungcheol was a little shock by jeonghan's action.. he looked down at his small figure... Jeonghan also looked up.. they both were staring into each other's eyes... AND THEN~

"Woah! Oops -sorry sorry... You can continue.." seungkwan said dramatically covering his eyes with his palm hansol also did the same

Jeonghan slightly pushed seungcheol both of them were embarrassed while jeonghan still look down.

"Uh- geez.. let's have lunch together" seungcheol said easing the atmosphere.

Seungkwan nodded and pull hansol with him as he still have his eyes closed.

They are now sitting at one of the rooms in seungcheol's office eating their lunch

"Jeonghan hyung I've heard that you've lived few years in new york " hansol asked chewing his food

"Yes.. I've lived around 5 years there it was a great experience there" jeonghan said

"Woah.. you know I was born in new york" hansol said with excitement

Both of them kept talking about cafes , streets , places there.

While seungcheol kept quiet and watched both of them with a cold face continuing his 'shooting death glare at both of you' game .

"He is pretty comfortable with hansol and here he always stutter infront of me" seungcheol thought himself.

After their lunch seungkwan and jeonghan bid their goodbyes to seungcheol as hansol went to drop them their home.

In evening at seungcheol's office

Seungcheol just finished all his meeting and work as it's 8 pm now he is so disturbed these days because of all these things he doesn't want to agree on this marriage but he can't go against his parents but he is also feeling something in his heart when he is close to jeonghan everything is just messing up for him..

In the past.

After coming back from jeonghan's house.

"So.. what do you thought cheol ?" His dad asked.

"I disagree this" he said with a monotone.

"What do you think Jeonghan's decision is?" His dad asked again.

"Kinda yes " he said.

Mrs choi's eyes are sparkling due to tear she wasn't expecting that.

Seungcheol leave for his room after realising he has nothing to say anymore.

Mrs choi run behind her son

"SEUNGCHEOL" she shouted his name

He stopped in his track and looked behind to face her.

"Mom stop being stubborn I can't marry him" he said almost yelling

"And why?? Is he ugly?? Is he a bad person?? Or a whore?

She yelled at him not giving any shits about the maids

"HE IS NOT.. but you know how dangerous my life is and- "

" Is it too bad to ask my own son that I want him to be happy" mrs choi asked in whisper and went away

" Mom listen to me!" Seungcheol called her but he knows it all went to vain

Later on after thinking a lot he went to her room to find herself under the duvet.

"Mom " he called her

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