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Seungcheol is currently sitting in the couch of his room with his laptop on his lap waiting for his dear husband who is currently doing his skincare in the washroom after dinner.

Jeonghan entered the room casually humming some song still applying a little face mask on his face.

"What took you so long?" Seungcheol asked peeking his eyes through the laptop screen noticing that the younger is wearing his hoodie.

"Oh.. gosh cheol.. I'm here only" jeonghan said dramatically sitting beside seungcheol applying the left over face mask on the older's face.

"You know what, you should always be beside me" seungcheol said scrunching his face due to the coldness of the mask but let jeonghan whatever he wants.

"How long you have to put this on? Will I start glowing?" Seungcheol asked refering to the face mask

"Just few minutes and yes, you're skin will glow " jeonghan replied with a little laugh watching seungcheol's smile hearing that.

"Is there anything special tomorrow?" Seungcheol asked still focussing on his laptop.

"Not really, just some meetings and a photoshoot" jeonghan said resting his head on seungcheol's chest while scrolling his phone.

"I thought you have some plans that's why you're grooming up" seungcheol said caressing the younger's long hairs.

"I only dress up nice and look good for you" jeonghan said snuggling his head on seungcheol's chest giving him a ton of butterflies and goosebumps.

"You always look mesmerizing jeonghan, when you dress up in fancy clothes or when you're just in your pajamas, when you have makeup on or when you're barefaced, when you just woke up, when you come home after a tiring day, while you're focusing on something or while you're just breathing, you still manage to take my breath away and make me realise how lucky I am to have you..." Seungcheol said his eyes glowing up in dedication leave a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead.

"You're just......, whipped" jeonghan said not expecting for such a heartfelt confession.

"For you" seungcheol said caressing jeonghan's head.

"Let's sleep I'm tired" jeonghan said getting up.

"Let me just complete this email" seungcheol said getting up a little and putting the laptop in the centre table.

"I'm going to wash this up" jeonghan said lazily with a yawn going to the washroom to wash his face.

At Eternity

Deehan is currently checking some files for his upcoming project in his office.

"Sir Mr. Matthew wants to talk with you" his assistant informed.


"Hello Mr.mathew I hope everything is fine there" deehan said being formal greeting his senior in call.

"I'm good deehan hope you're working on our plan well" mr.matthew said over the call.

"Don't worry about that sir.. we're handling that well" deehan said with a smirk.

"We've sent the CSCs a letter about the proposal, let's see how they will respond to that" Mr. Mathew said.

"I don't think they're gonna accept it but let's see we still have a back up plan" deehan said smirking.

"But that back up plan is scary, it's better if seungcheol agree to the contract it's just gonna hurt his buisness but if he refused this time too the consequences will not be good he'll pay for it big" Mr.mathew said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry about that sir we still have some time" deehan said smirking.

And they hung up the call.

"Sir Mr. Hong said that Mr.jeonghan wants to focus on his modelling carrer as he also have some big deals from Saint Laurent and Tiffany and co. Etc .

"That's amazing, we will have more chances to work with him" deehan said with a happy smile.

"Just wait Seungcheol I'm gonna make you regret for everything" deehan said with a smirk.

Next morning

Seungcheol is currently working in his office the day started pretty good for him as he remembers how jeonghan snuggled into his chest and was lazy to wake up so he have to carry the younger all the way to the washroom and wash his face. And then mingyu informing him that they got the china deal the day was going blessful for him.

He was lost in his sweet thoughts when soonyoung entered the room looking quite annoyed and that doesn't go unnoticed by seungcheol.

"What happened tiger? Something's bad?" Seungcheol asked in concern with a smile.

"Nothing hyung just got up with a Little fight with jihoon in the morning" soonyoung said with a sign taking a seat infront of seungcheol.

"Oh my, if it's something personal then don't worry talk and work it out, jihoon is a understanding person" seungcheol said with a smile.

"No hyung, the problem is not him, the problem is my parents they are telling me to get married soon" soonyoung said again with a sigh.

"Hey! That's good I bet jihoon will love this" seungcheol said excitedly.

"I know hyung we talked about this and he is also very happy and excited but right now I'm quite stressed about work and all the issues in the company, it's not that I don't want to marry him.. I'm literally head over heals for him but right now can be a little tough that's why i had a little argument with my hot-headed ricecake" soonyoung said calmly feeling the guilt.

"Soonyoung as your hyung and as the CEO of CSCs I'm giving you a advise" seungcheol said quite seriously.

"Get married" seungcheol said happily.

"Hyung I just reasoned" soonyoung said a little annoyed by seungcheol's advise.

"Look youngie, getting married and having a happy family is such a blessing and you should take the opportunity, you got such a amazing person marry him asap man!!! If you think your work is coming on the way way then don't worry I'll handle everything, but youngie,  jihoon loves you so much and you also love him, listen to your heart man" seungcheol said with a smile.

"Yes hyung, you're right" soonyoung said with a big sigh.

"Then talk with jihoon and your family tonight, and don't worry about work me and mingyu are there to handle everything" seungcheol said patting soonyoung's shoulders.

"Hmm... Jeonghan hyung really changed you" soonyoung said teasing.

Seungcheol just laughed at this with him.


A/N- I guess soon you guys are getting to attend a wedding.

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