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After a couple of exhausting hours they both dropped themselves on the mattress of the bed.

They both were both breathing fast while being drenched in sweat.

"I'm sorry are you hurt?" Seungcheol asked in concern, getting up immediately.

Jeonghan sit up letting out another painful yell.

Seungcheol got up quickly to wear a new pair of sweatpants in and came  back to spoke"relax, do you need anything? Tell me"

"My shirt?" Jeonghan said shyly ,searching in the nearby area.

Seungcheol tried to search but halted remembering he has tore his shirt while unbuttoning.

He scratch his neck and spoke "actually it's torn you can take mine".

Jeonghan took the shirt from his grip. And seungcheol help him to wear it.

Meanwhile jeonghan tried his best not to look at the heavenly figure infront of him.

As seungcheol is still shirtless showing off his abs and muscles on top of that he is sweating and sitting so close making it worse.

"Um..I want water" jeonghan said looking at seungcheol.

"Let me get in from the fridge" seungcheol said and went downstairs to get water.

He went towards the kitchen and took out a bottle of water from the fridge he was about to get back but he saw a shadow and got scared.

"Who is this at this midnight" seungcheol thought.

He saw the shadow approaching the stairs and he quickly went behind and was about the hit the person with the water bottle but halted. When the other person screamed.


"Hansol"seungcheol said in a shocked voice.

"Yes hyung it's me and put the bottle down first of all" hansol said with a scared expression.

"What are you doing here at this hour? And why are walking like a thief?" Seungcheol asked.

"Emm.. I just got back after completing the assignments actually"hansol said scratching his neck.

"It's very late hansol, I don't think it will take you this late to complete your assignments" seungcheol said being the protective elder brother that he is.

"Umm actually after doing the assignments me and kwani- I mean seungkwan went to have dinner and a little walk.. afterwards I dropped him home that's why it took a bit late.." hansol said with a shy smile scratching his nape.

Seungcheol was indeed shocked to hear the confession.

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep..I have a holiday tomorrow" hansol said going upstairs.

Seungcheol shaked his head in disbelief and went upstairs with the water bottle.

He entered the room to see jeonghan already sleeping.

He chuckled with the sight of the younger quietly sleeping snuggling in the blanket. He put the bottle down and quickly went inside the blanket to cuddle with his husband.

"You must be very tired.. good night baby" seungcheol said caressing jeonghan's head and soon fell asleep like that.


Jihoon and soonyoung were restlessly  walking back and forth in the room.

Soonyoung is following jihoon, who is
Worried and roaming around the room.

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