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                    After some days~

Seungcheol stopped the engine of his car at the parking area in the evening.

A smudge smile crept into his face thinking someone so important is waiting for him.

Which feeling can be more amazing than those butterflies he's occuring nowadays?

He really loves his new routine and changes in his lifestyle.

"I'll ask him out tonight. you have to do it, seungcheol"he scold himself approaching living room.

"Otherwise someone else will snatch him away from you" he added brushing back his air.

He was about to approach to find  jeonghan but stopped by a voice.

"Hello I'm hyungwon"the man introduced himself in hesitation.

"Stupid boy!  speaking of devil-why he is here at this time?" Seungcheol yelled mentally shooting fire through his eyes.

Hyungwon gulped hard and asked "where is jeonghan?"

Before he could answer he heard Jeonghan's voice. "Hyungwon-shi!"

'here comes my husband, cares for that boy more than me' he thought in anger.

"Actually seungcheol...me , hyungwon and joshua have some things to  discuss so I invited them here, joshua is also coming soon" jeonghan said to seungcheol.

"Also hansol is with seungkwan they had some projects to do" jeonghan added.

"Okay" seungcheol boringly replied and went to freshen up.

Jeonghan and hyungwon take a seat in the living room and started talking casually.

Seungcheol halted in his steps and thought to listen to what they are talking about from upstairs.

"Those who are unconfident can never succeed" he heard hyungwon saying.

"Seungcheol is so professional I wish I were like him" jeonghan said with a smile.

"So you're talking about me" a proud smile crept on seungcheol's face.

"Who's gonna tell you that you are beautiful in your own way love" seungcheol said with a soft smile.

"I'll try to be more professi-"jeonghan tried to say but hyungwon cut him off saying "don't change yourself".

Seungcheol rolled his eyes in annoyance at hyungwon.

He heard hyungwon saying" perfection comes when you accept yourself" .

"What the hell ! Acting as if he's a genius or something" seungcheol yelled in frustration.

"Really?" Jeonghan said with a wide sweet smile.

He saw hyungwon ruffles Jeonghan's hair, he felt like he's about to get robbed In front of his eyes.

"Heck! Are they discussing or flirting?" He yelled before turing back and going to his room.


"Jeonghan, I thought something about your matter"hyungwon said after thinking something.

"What is it?" jeonghan asked with confusion.

"According to Joshua's plan we should make him jealous. But have you noticed something?" Hyungwon asked in a serious tone.

"We didn't even try something to make him jealous" he added.

"What should we do?" jeonghan asked.

" I think we should be more touchy infront of him" hyungwon said.

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