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Jeonghan had been ignoring seungcheol since morning he woke up early today remembering what happened last night between them he is now so shy and nervous to face him.

Currently jeonghan is in the kitchen helping the senior maid in breakfast. Today seungcheol's parents are also gonna return form daegu.
Seungcheol who woke up late is getting ready for his office.

"Mom told me that they're arriving " seungcheol told jeonghan entering in the kitchen.

Jeonghan suddenly flinched a little hearing his voice.. and turn from the stove to face him.

"That's good" jeonghan said and turn again to focus on cooking.. he can feel seungcheol's gaze in him.

The senior maid left from there giving them some privacy.

"Am I disturbing something" mrschoi said entering the kitchen.

"No... Mother.. we were just talking.." jeonghan said with a awkward smile.

"Mom , dad you're here" hansol said coming towards his parents

"Yes.. my child"mrs choi said hugging hansol.

"I'm your child too" seungcheol said with a pout.

Seungcheol went and hug his mother continued by jeonghan.

"Yeah.. yeahh.. look who is here with us" mrs choi said.

Suddenly a girl in her 20s come from behind wearing a kinda weird outfit and hug seungcheol tightly like they met after years.

Jeonghan left speachless by her act.he felt uncomfortable watching her getting close to his husband.

Seungcheol was also left stunned he was not at all expecting that.

"I missed you so much cheol" she said hugging him.

Seungcheol pushed her a little bit with her shoulders.

"Aera sudden surprise" seungcheol asked with a shock in his voice.

"Yes..I had some work here in Seoul that's why I came with uncle and aunt" she said happily

Jeonghan was just standing there looking here and there.

"Aera we have a new addition in our family.. meet him first" mrs choi said going to jeonghan.

Jeonghan looked up at her with a smile.

"Who is he?" Aera said.

"Jeonghan my wife" seungcheol said looking at Jeonghan who got a little shy hearing that.

"Hello" jeonghan said in low voice for some reasons he felt uncomfortable around her.

"WHAT??? You got married and didn't even invite me.. huh... I'm mad at you cheol" aera said pouting.

"Everything happened so fast aera.. but now you are here.. enjoy your time " mr choi said

"Hmm.... Yes...Hii I'm aera seungcheol's childhood friend me and seungcheol used to play attend school do everything together in childhood then one day this traitor grew up and came to Seoul hope we'll get together we'll..."aera said looking at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan nodded with a smile while.Seungcheol just laughed at her words.

They all decided to have breakfast together.. aera sat beside seungcheol while jeonghan was infront of seungcheol with hansol by his side.

"This is very delicious"aera said munching on her food.

"Yup.. jeonghan hyung made it"hansol said.

"I just helped the cooks"jeonghan said but mrs choi praised him.

"Seungcheol can you please drop me at Seoul uni.. I have some work there" aera said

"Sure.. I also have to drop hansol there" seungcheol said sipping his coffee.

Hansol just nodded in agreement.

"I also have to go to jihoon's house.. me Joshua and him have decided to meet up" jeonghan said standing up.

"Don't worry son.. seungcheol will drop you" mrs choi said.

"It's ok mom I'll go by myself" jeonghan said.

"It's ok all drop.. I know the address, get ready quickly" seungcheol said leaving the table.

Jeonghan got outside to see hansol and aera fighting over something standing near the car.

"No I will" aera said with a determined voice.

Seungcheol see jeonghan coming towards them.

" Jeonghan come here" seungcheol said putting his hands on the stering wheel.

Jeonghan nodded and sat beside seungcheol while aera and hansol sat in the backseat.

The ride was peacefull. Seungcheol dropped both hansol and aera to Seoul uni leaving only jeonghan in the car with him beside him as jihoon's house is a little away from Seoul uni.

"You never told me about her"jeonghan said staring at the window.

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan with a smug smile on his face.

"We were just childhood friends" seungcheol said focusing on driving

Jeonghan just nodded at him but felt something heavy on his chest.

Seungcheol dropped jeonghan at jihoon's house who insisted seungcheol of having a coffee atleast but seungcheol said he was getting late.. he told jeonghan that he will send a driver to pick him up as he has meetings lined up. Jeonghan nodded understanding.

Currently jeonghan , joshua  and jihoon is watching k drama on the big screen tv of their living room.

"Wonwoo didn't came??" Joshua  asked.

"He has a date planned with mingyu " jeonghan said taking the bowl of ramen from jihoon.

After the wedding jeonghan , wonwoo , jihoon , joshua had became a lot more closer with each other they also have a group chat.. seungkwan is also in their group but he is busy with his uni.

"Jeonghan, so how's everything with seungcheol?" Joshua asked

Jeonghan's smile immediately dropped by his question.

Jeonghan realised seungcheol never much showed affection when they're alone. Whenever he does, it looks like he is showing off to someone else.

"I don't know... He is always busy with work in home too " jeonghan complain in a sad tone.

They looked at Jeonghan in pity..

"Jihoon do you know who is this aera" jeonghan asked jihoon in hope as soonyoung is seungcheol's cousin so they must knew her.

"Aera... She is seungcheol hyung's childhood friend.. I don't know much about her but she is a little pick me kind of, my opinion"  jihoon said

"Why what happened han?" Joshua asked

" She came with seungcheol's parents today.. and she seems all touchy with seungcheol...ughhh I hate her " jeonghan said with a frustrated voice.

"Oh god han..you should force him to realise that he needs you in his life...make him confess" jihoon  said with a hyped tone.

"I'm confused jihoonie. " jeonghan said

"You guys are so pessimistic.... I have a idea... " joshua said crossing his legs.. and hands to his chest with a smirk.


Sorry guys for the late update got caught up with studies..
I need someone to cheer me up for studies...

Sorry if this chapter is a little boring. But but don't worry.. interesting stuff is on the way..

See  you soon..
Love you guys..

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