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Seungcheol and soonyoung entered the choi mansion tiredly but got shocked with the view infront.

It was hansol and seungkwan sitting in the couch with seungkwan head resting on hansol's shoulder giggling well kinda cuddling while watching something on tv.

"Hyungggg... I missed you a lot" seungkwan said dramatically giving seungcheol a hug.

"Well.. you should come here often then kwanie, looks like someone enjoy your company a lot" seungcheol said giving hansol a teasing smile.

Seungkwan blushed a little at seungcheol's statement.

Soonyoung is still a standing there with a quite shocked expression.

"Ohh... Finally you both are here!!" Jihoon said entering the living room.

"Aww jihoonie!!! How are you??" Seungcheol said and engulf jihoon in a hug.

"Hyung I'm alright , but why is he standing like this?" Jihoon sad pointing at soonyoung.

Jeonghan who entered the hall after jihoon felt a pang of jealousy in his heart.

Seungcheol pointed at seungkwan hansol who are now just sitting beside each other.

Jihoon laughed a little and went to soonyoung. While jeonghan come to seungcheol helping him to remove his coat.

Jeonghan started removing his coat while seungcheol was just staring at Jeonghan. Seungcheol came a little forward when their eyes met. Jeonghan hold seungcheol shoulder for balance.

"Ahem... jeonghan,the dinner is ready" the senior maid quickly said and left from there.

They all went towards the dining table and took a seat while jeonghan was serving food and jihoon is helping him in arranging the plates.

"Where is mom and dad??" Seungcheol asked as he came came down after changing his clothes.

Jeonghan again felt butterflies in his stomach seeing seungcheol in a black t-shirt which was defining his muscles and biceps briefly.

"They went on one of their friends grandchild's birthday party" hansol told him.

"I think it's high time you guys should give them a grandchild too" jihoon said out of blue making seungcheol choke.

Jeonghan looked down in shyness and embarrassment.

"Aww I'll teach the little baby how to walk" seungkwan said excitedly.

"Nope not at all I don't want the baby to have a sassy walk , I'll teach the baby how to walk and sit- " hansol said but got cut off by seungkwan

"Oh come on hansol, we don't want the baby to live like a GTA character" seungkwan said sassily to hansol.

"I'll give the baby lots of tiger plushies and-" soonyoung was saying but got cut off by jeonghan.

Oh god! can u both just shut up" jeonghan said with his face red like a tomato.

Seungcheol was also so embarrassed while jihoon was just controlling his  laugh Everyone just laughed.

"Btw jeonghan where is aera?? I haven't seen her since morning"seungcheol asked.

Jeonghan clenched his chopsticks hearing her name but still replied
"Mom said she went to meet few of her friends, I think she'll be staying there tonight"
Seungcheol just nodded hearing that.

"Jeonghan hyung when the official photos are gonna release?" Soonyoung asked.

"It's releasing tomorrow youngie the first teaser photos and the products are gonna release next week!!" Jeonghan told them happily.

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