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Soon after the wedding and the party.. everyone got so tired and only wished to go home and sleep..

Jeonghan bid goodbye to both his parents and joshua and seokmin and went with seungcheol and his family to their house seungcheol's cousins soonyoung and jihoon also went with them.

At seungcheol's mansion

They reached the house and mrs choi and jihoon dragged jeonghan to seungcheol's room to show how they organized the room.

"It's awkwardly romantic" that was the first thing came to Jeonghan's mind as he realise it's his first night and he have to share a room with seungcheol.

After some hours seungcheol came to his bedroom after finishing all the leftover works.

He entered the room and for some moment he thought he entered the wrong room. They actually changed the whole theme of his room

He noticed a sleeping figure in the couch. His heart skipped a beat when he saw him.

He wanted to close the door quietly but ended up making noise.

He cursed the door hearing jeonghan flinch and woke up from his sleep.

"You ca-can s-sleep on the bed I will manage on the c-couch" jeonghan said with nervousness.

He mentally slapped himself saying this line first since he was thinking how to start conversations at this night.

Seungcheol find it cute and secretly chucked at the him , and just nodded his head.

"We will talk about this later, change this" seungcheol said making jeonghan blush.

Jeonghan went to the closet as mrs choi showed him where everything  at... He saw seungcheol going to washroom.

After searching for a while he found a pyjama set and came out

He was shocked to see a well built figure with still water dripping hair is standing at the middle of his path.

Without saying anything he run towards the washroom.

He closed the door with his heart pumping like crazy.

He wasn't surprised finding seungcheol's manly sent in the air of washroom.

After finishing he came out to see him playing with the phone on the edge of his bed.

He saw some pillows are placed in the middle of the bed making a barricade.

He felt his presence and looked up to his face. He cleared his throat and went to sleep on a side of the bed. He kept a good amount of bed empty.

"Couch is uncomfortable,  I'll not cross this line neither I want you too" seungcheol said with a cold tone

"It's ok I can manage"jeonghan said settling in the couch.

Seungcheol sighed and picked him from the couch.. while jeonghan got a mini heart attack due to the closeness

Jeonghan was shocked to hear seungcheol's fast heart beats.

Seungcheol carried him towards the bed and laid him down on the side he kept empty awhile ago.

"This is the first night of our wedding and you already started disobeying me? " seungcheol asked in the deepest voice.

He smilled at Jeonghan's cuteness and turn off the lights.

Jeonghan placed another pillow between them. And pulled the duvet.

Seungcheol gave him a" are u serious look" and without realising they both soon drift into sleep.


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