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Next morning

Seungcheol is all set to leave for office as today they got a tough job to do, jeonghan is also ready to leave of the company he is excited for the shooting. 

They both sit at the car when suddenly seungcheol realise that he forgot his file in the room only.

"Jeonghan there is a green cover file in the desktop , please bring it" he told jeonghan who is about to sit in the car.

Jeonghan nodded and went inside but he got shocked when he open the door of his room.

He saw aera sitting in their bed with seungcheol's photo frame in her hands and staring at seungcheol lovingly

"Aera what are you doing in our room ?" He asked

"Oohh!!you scared me. I was just looking around" aera said shrugging off.

"Is this a park or something?? Leave! "jeonghan said glaring at her.

She rolled her eyes saying whatever and leave putting seungcheol's photo frame back at its place.

Jeonghan went back to the car with the file. He don't know what irked inside him but he is not at all liking aera's behaviour.

"What took you so long?" Seungcheol asked starting the car.

"Nothing" jeonghan said looking out of the window.

Seungcheol can sense the anger in Jeonghan's voice but decided not to disturb him he quickly dropped him at the HONGs and went to his own company.

Jeonghan quickly got to Joshua's office room greeting few staffs as he knows hyungwon must be there too.

"What!!!?? No way is she a psychopath something?" Hyungwon  asked being shocked.

Jeonghan told them the whole incident with aera.

"I would've lost my cool if that happened with me and seokmin" joshua said looking at them.

"I'm so irritated right now" jeonghan said leaning back to the chair.

"Hello everyone , how are you all" jihoon said entering the cabin.

"Hello jihoon!! What a pleasant surprise" joshua said hugging jihoon.

"Yes... Today I had a day-off and soonie is so busy with the company work so, I thought to visit you both at the shooting.. looks like I'm on time" jihoon said

"Wow!! Our hardworking producer finally got a day-off" jeonghan said giving jihoon a hug.

They all  just laughed at him.

"Jihoon meet this is hyungwon our brand ambassador and model along with jeonghan and hyungwon-shi this is jihoon he is musc producer at hybe and also our best friend." joshua introduced giggling.
They both greeted each other.

"Who doesn't know him Josh, he is a genius artist multi-talented celebrity" hyungwon said fanboying over jihoon.

Jihoon just blushed at the compliment.

"Ahmm hyungwon-shi jihoon is already engaged with seungcheol's couisn soonyoung" joshua said pointing at the ring in jihoon's right hand.

"Yeah!! Our tiger will kill you if you flirt with his ricecake" jeonghan said laughing and joshua gave him a high-five.

"Yah.. Josh I'm just complimenting" hyungwon said and everyone laughed at him.

"Btw does seungcheol and soonyoung work together?" Hyungwon asked.

"Yes, seungcheol hyung is the CEO while soonyoung  is the president of the company , mingyu too , youngie is new to this field , but seungcheol hyung help him a lot" jihoon explained.

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