Chapter 1- Conflicted feelings

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Illustration credits-@kamley_w on twitter.

A/N- There might be some grammatical errors.sorry about that. And as I mentioned earlier this is my first time writing anything so I hope you all enjoy it ^⁠_^


'Here I was,in a foreign or rather the enemies land teaching some students that may turn out to be my future enemies.' I thought.

I was in my room in the central academy of Alacrya playing the role of teaching here so that I could some how get rid of any suspicions on me-a no bloodname and an ascender.

It's been a few months since I came to Alacrya. At first I thought about killing any possible threats, truthfully I was disgusted when I saw alacryan people...they were my enemies,the one responsible for the war and bloodshed of innocent people in Dicathen. Also the same people because of whom my father died.

But living and spending some time here while observing people here has changed my mind a bit. Here, they all are people who are just being manipulated by Agrona. Agrona doesn't think of them like they are his own people, he thinks of them as a disposable pawns,just a mean to gain power and defeat asuras. It isn't the people's fault that they were born here. They are just like any others in Dicathen, living their life happily with their family and friends.

The one who made me realise this were my companions Regis and Caera. Regis has always been with me ever since I got transported to Alacrya's relictomb. I may not show it but I am really thankful to him, because of him I was still sane. He was more than just a weapon created for me, he was a true friend to me who accompanied me through all the things I went through here in Alacrya.

Caera..Caera Denoir, an alacryan noble who I first thought to kill, but over the course of time we have spent here in the academy and relictombs....she was someone that I could trust..she was someone that I could depend upon,someone who can fight side by side with me... ofcourse she wasn't anywhere near my level of strength but she was strong enough to protect herself and not make me worried about her while fighting.Not to mention that her swordsmanship was pretty much similar to mine.

Even in Dicathen there weren't many people that I could fully trust. That I could trust my back upon them. Maybe the lances? But I didn't get many chance to get closer to them some hated me,one betrayed the continent and some that I couldn't really get a mission with.

Then there was Tessia my childhood friend, to whom I Confessed my love for. Sure she was immature for her age but I guess that's what made her attractive.

But over the course of time, my feelings were a bit conflicted about her. What if tessia just did what I told her to? Because when I came to Alacrya...I part of me felt unsure...if she had just done what I had told her. If she didn't just came forward to try and fight side by side with me and just left through the portal like others...could I have made Sylvie compelled to leave me and protect others?I still knew that it wasn't entirely Tessia's fault but I couldn't help it.

Would it have been possible, that by sacrificing myself, could Sylvie have survived?

Even without me she could live her life with tessia who she viewed as her mother, Right?

A part of me didn't want to believe it...but what if it's the truth that I never viewed tessia as a love interest. Of course I said her at the wall that I love her as women......but what if I was just deluding my self into believing that? When Sylvie hatched from her egg she believed and called me and tessia as her parents, then theirs Gramps who always teased about me and tessia being a couple and whatever not. In my previous life I really never had a lover or a friend, I ofcourse had Nico and Cecilia, but after THAT incident I never really saw nico.....and I had killed Cecilia with my....with my own hands. After that I locked my emotions and just....hah and here I thought that with a new chance In life I could really be myself and not some king grey but here I am turning into grey again.

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