Chapter 2- The dive into relictomb

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Caera Denoir-

It's been few months since that day, the day I first met Grey who at first I thought was a girl in relictomb. From then on going on ascents together with him and regis has been fun. I was always curious about relictombs since I was a child.

But that wasn't the only point that made those ascents was Grey, I was enjoying spending time with him. Around him I could be just myself and not some highblood. He is my first friend, unlike other boys from other bloods, he was different, he treated me for who I was and not Caera Denoir of highblood Denoir.

Even now I am heading towards Grey's room in central academy to ask him if he wants to go to another ascent since academy will be closed for a whole week. That means I could spend sometime with Grey alone....

Well I guess I can't hide the fact that overtime by going on ascents, teaching together and by being his assistant in academy, I have started to develop feelings for Grey.

What frustrates me the most is that, that dense brick head doesn't even notice it. But well I guess he doesn't trust me fully yet. He has started to trust me a little compared to the first time we met or when he wanted to kill me when my disguise as haedrig was revealed.

At first he didn't even show any emotions to anyone. But now he has been showing a bit of emotions atleast when he is around me. It might take a while for him to trust me completely.

I did say that I like Grey, but can the same be sad about him? Does he have any interest in me? After all I don't know who or what that man is. He does have some connections with scythe seris my mentor so he should be someone important right?
Well it doesn't matter to me who or what he is, what does matter to me is that he is my friend......for now atleast.

As much as I want to know about him and his past, I don't want to force him to tell me. I want him to tell me about himself when he is ready, when he can trust me with his secrets.

When I realised that I had started to develop feelings for him, I promised myself that no matter who or what he is, or from where he belongs to I won't hate him. I know that I can't be as strong as he is, but I want to be someone that he can rely on when he is at his lowest moments, to be strong enough to not be a burden him. To be able to stay with him.

It doesn't matter to me if he tells me to leave my adopted parents or the Denoir blood.... because he is the only person, the only one that I can be just Caera and not some Lady Caera Of highblood Denoir.
He is the one that accepts me as who I am and not for my status.

My family only sees me as a tool to increase there influence. If they knew I had awakened my vritra blood, they would have thrown me over to Agrona who all the people in this continent refers to as high sovereign. If I was handed over to him he would do experiments on me,that's why I hided the fact that I had awakened my blood from my adoptive parents. Because of them thinking that I can't awaken my vritra blood they are always trying to marry me off to some highblood to increase the families power and connections. Which of course I didn't like, that's why I spent most of my time either avoiding them or going into ascents.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, I didn't realise that I was already infront of his room. I knocked on the door and waited for a bit but there was no response. I then noticed that the room was already unlocked.

So I just opened the door and went inside. I saw grey meditating while holding a familiar beautiful rainbow colored stone in his hand. I was familiar with the stone as sometimes Grey would just do what he is doing right now in our ascents. As much as I was curious about the stone, I knew it was something precious to grey, he would tell about it when he feels the time is right so I didn't really asked him about the stone that much.

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