Chapter 5- A familiar face

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I couldn't believe what I just heard. Turn back time? Going back to the past? I was going to go crazy from all the information we received just now. Well it is sad thing that we didn't get the name of the djinn.
But the creation that his team made was....I don't even have the words to describe it.

"Art, you heard it too right? I am not dreaming right now, am I ?" asked Caera nervously. "No, you heard it right. As crazy as it might sound it's true." I said. Caera suddenly pulled me into a hug, "We can go back to the past! We can atleast try to change the outcome of the war if we can't stop it. With this we can save your dad and my brother!" Caera exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes, you are right Caera. We can atleast try to change the outcome of this war, we might even save some people, your brother, my dad and others too!" I said to her while tightening the hug.

"You know, you two should now stop being all lovey dovey and make me feel hurt and find that damn book and other relics. Some of the boxes are just empty that means we have to open up every box to find the relics" said regis interrupting me and Caera.

We broke our hug being a bit flustered but recomposed ourselves soon enough and started to look for the book and other relics. The room was small so finding them would be easy, we just need to open up every box and search for it, the note attached to the boxes didn't really help as they were just blank or had some lines drawn in them.

While looking around my eyes locked onto a purple box which was bit bigger compared to other boxes I've seen here so far. I thought that this might be the box that contained the book and the spell. And damn I was right. "I got the book!" I shouted to let my companions know about this. I opened the book that contained the knowledge about the time travel spell and how to use it and started reading it.

After reading the book, which took me about an hour or two to complete, I understood the concept of the spell. First of all this spell can be used just once, and that this book and spell will be removed from the past after it is used. That means we only have one chance to succeed. Second this spell would not create a different timeline instead it would just reverse the time back. And I also noticed that the spell is just a magic circle/circuit that I have to draw using my blood and it was written in instructions that only those who entered the circle will have there memories retained and that the circle will be destroyed after 3 minutes from its activation. I was curious thinking about if Sylvie could retain her memories when we go to the past or not, but I guess I will eventually find that out.

In the mean time Caera and regis also found some relics. After completing the book I explained them about the spell.
"Before we go back to the past, let's see what relics we have." I said then Caera and regis gave me the relic boxes they had found."Hmm, we got a tempus warp that can be used for a few times, then a pair of rings that lets us communicate mentally and a..... cloak?"I said as the first two were mentioned by the djinn but the last one wasn't. I then picked the cloak up and wore it.


I saw Art wearing the cloak relic that we found. After he wore it, his body started to disappear."Art are you alright?! your body is starting to become invisible!" I said while trying to grab his hand that was still visible.
"Don't worry Caera, I am fine. It seems that this cloak can make people go invisible. It might be quite handy." He said, I was relieved to hear that, and excited at the same time.

"Hey princess, all the relics that we gathered are pretty useful. But you should take a look at this!" regis said while handing a piece of paper to Art. "Try channeling some aether into it." regis continued, as art did what regis told him to his face quickly turned to a shocked one. "Th-This!! Regis how the heck did you find this! No forget that, it doesn't matter. How could have I missed this, I didn't see it or even find a clue about this in the past."

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