Chapter 6- Training begins?

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I could hear a lady humming, it was soothing, it made me feel relax. It was as if a mother was humming to make there child sleep. I opened my eyes to see who it was.... when I did, I saw a beautiful lady, white creamy skin, elegant white hair and beautiful lavender eyes and then her voice soothing and calm.

Then she noticed that I was awake and staring at her, "Had a good rest dear?" she asked while giving me a motherly smile, warm and caring. "Yes, but may I know who you are and where are we right now?" I asked her in a calm tone. I remembered that I was with Art just a moment ago, we activated the magic circle that would have allowed us to go back to the past. So I was a bit confused as to where I was and where did Art go?

"Sorry for late introduction, my name is Sylvia. Surely little Art must have told you about me right, Caera? And if your curious as to where he is just look to your left." She said, Sylvia? isn't that the asura who Art considered his Grandmother and the dragon who gave her will and tried to protect him from cadell during his childhood? So many questions just barged in to my head. I then sat back up and turned to my left as Sylvia said and saw that their was a boy who was no more than 5 years in age and regis and both of them were asleep. I then noticed that the boys features were very similar to that of Art's, so from what I heard from Sylvia earlier and from my intuitions I concluded that it was really Art, but what happened to his body. I then noticed that my body too had reverted back to when I was at the age of 5.

"You must have a lot of questions, right dear?" Asked Sylvia to which I just nodded.
"Then let me explain all the things as to where,how and why we are here. " She continued.

She then explained all the things to me as to where we were and how she was here. She then told me that she only had 3 months left here and after that the process of time travel will be completed and that I  and Art would be transported back in the past. I couldn't help it but feel sad, I knew how much she meant to Art, how much art cared about her and from just my short interaction with her till now I too realised that how wise,kind and caring she was.

Noticing my sad face she patted my head' "Don't feel sad dear, it's just how life is. I know that I said to Art to love his life to its fullest without any regrets but now knowing what the future holds, I can't be too sure about that but I would still like you and Art to be happy with the chance you got this time. I would like to train you and Art here with our remaining time left."

"I can first teach you how to use mana like the people in dicathen." She said to which my eyes sparkled in excitement that I would be able to use mana like how art did in the past. "Is that possible....lady Sylvia?" I asked still doubting it.

"While it might not have been possible if your body was a bit older, but as you are right now in your 5 year old body, when both your mana core and body hasn't been matured it's possible." She explained. "And dear can you too call me Grandma as Art does? " She asked.

"Of course grandma!" I said while I hugged her and she too returned my hug back with one hand and caressed my head with the other. "Caera, I know it's a bit odd to ask for, but can you take care of little Art after I am gone. The fate has been very cruel to him since the beginning, but in those days where he was just surrounded by darkness, it was you who became his light, slowly but he did walk towards that light."

"He seems to be truly happy when he is around you, I can see it from his memories. After he locked his emotions again, you were the one to whom he again started to open up. So can you please do it Caera? Stopping him from hurting himself again, stopping him from locking away his emotions again and turning back to Grey?" She asked.

"You know you don't have to ask it Grandma. I would never let Art fall into that pit again no matter what happens." I said.
"Yeah I guess I was worried for nothing after all you are going to be my granddaughter in law right." She said with a coy smile on her face. My face brightened up from that and I could feel it getting hotter.

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