Chapter 15- Echoes of Grief: Battling Illusions

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A/n- Just listen to this music while reading the conversation between Arthur and Caera. Trust me it would be amazing. Incase the video doesn't show, its a song named- In the stars.

Arthur, he felt a sudden weight in his heart, a sinking feeling of dread that he couldn't shake. Images began to form in the haze, flickering and indistinct at first, but growing clearer with each passing moment.

Before him stood his parents, Alice and Reynolds, their faces etched with sorrow and pain. Beside them, his sister Ellie wept silently, her eyes filled with tears. Caera lay crumpled at his feet, her body battered and broken, her life slipping away with each passing second.

Arthur's heart clenched at the sight, a wave of despair crashing over him like a tidal wave. He knelt beside Caera, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her cold, lifeless form. Tears welled in his eyes as he whispered her name, his voice choked with emotion.

"Caera... no, please don't leave me," he pleaded, his words falling on deaf ears. Caera's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of love and sadness.

"Arthur," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... I couldn't keep our family safe..."

Arthur's heart shattered at her words, his chest aching with grief. "No, Caera, don't say that," he protested, his voice breaking. "It's not your fault... I should have been there for you... I should have protected you..."

Caera reached out, her hand trembling as she cupped his cheek. "No, Arthur," she said, her voice steady despite the pain. "You've always been there for me... you've always protected me... but now it's time for you to live for yourself... to find happiness in your own way..."

Tears streamed down Arthur's face as he gazed into Caera's eyes, his heart breaking with each passing moment. "But I can't... I can't live without you," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own sobs.

Caera smiled sadly, her hand falling limply to her side. "You have to, Arthur," she said, her voice growing fainter with each passing moment. "You have to... for Sylvie... for Chloe... for yourself..."

And with those final words, Caera's eyes closed for the last time, her body growing still in his arms. Arthur held her close, his heart heavy with grief as he watched the light fade from her eyes.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still, the weight of his loss crushing him with its enormity.


Arthur had grown stronger, driven by Caera's and his families death, he killed Agrona and Kezzes and slaughtered every asura that stood on his way without a single tinge of mercy.

After a considerable time had passed, Arthur gradually found a way to move forward from the devastation of Caera's death. Though her memory remained a cherished part of him, he learned to embrace life anew. Eventually, he ended up with tessia.

In their shared journey, Arthur and Tessia built a family of their own, welcoming two children into their lives. Their daughter, Lily, possessed Caera's gentle spirit and compassionate heart, while their son, Oliver, inherited Arthur's strength and determination. Together, they created a home filled with laughter, and cherished memories.

While Caera would always hold a special place in Arthur's heart. He did say that he moved on, but deep down he always mourned and cried for Caera, afterall she was the only one that understood him completely, she was the only one that Arthur truly loved, the one who he cherished the most, the one who he never wanted to let go of, the one who he wanted to always be by his side.

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