Chapter 10- Reunion(II)

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"Do you guys believe in time travel?" I asked both seris and Sevren, they were confused.

"I will tell you guys all the things, but before that you need to answer my question." I said again.

"Wether we believe in time travel or not will depend upon what you are going to tell us." said sevren, I gave him a smile.

"Very well, then can I ask you guys to lower your head to my level? It would be better to show you than explain it all. And don't worry seris, this would only help you in your plans." I said and looked at seris, who was even more surprised. "It's scythe seris for you, boy." said seris.But soon they both agreed to my request and came towards me and ducked down to my level.

"Art, is it really alright for them to see your memories?" Asked caera.

"Dont worry it would only help us in the future and clear all the misunderstandings." I replied to her, she nodded at me hesitantly.

I then started to show my memories to seris and Sevren. It took me a few minutes to show them my memories. While showing it to Regis and Sylvie was quite easy but when I am using this technique on others who are not connected to my mind like regis, Sylvie and now even caera, it takes me a lot of concentration.

As soon as we were done, both Seris and Sevren were silent for a bit, most probably sorting out the information that I gave them.

"First of all, I am sorry for all that you had to go through Arthur Leywin. And also thank you for taking care of Caera in the future." said sevren, yes I did show them all my memories of this life but I didn't show them any memories of my past life as Grey.

"It's fine, it wasn't even your fault. If anyone then those damned false gods should be the one to pay. And don't thank me, I should be the one to thanks Caera, she was there for me at my lowest moment." I said looking at caera who was now ignoring any eye contact.

"Thank you for all the information you gave us Arthur. And I am sorry that I couldn' Sylvia more." seris spoke with a twinge of guilt.

"Again it's not you fault Seris. This time I would really make agrona kneel and and beg for mercy..."I said while releasing bloodlust but I calmed down as Caera patted my shoulder.

"Anyways what do you plan to do now Seris?"I asked.

"Now with all the information you gave me and adding your presence, I need to forge new plans. Also Arthur do you know the technique that Sylvia used to get rid of those curses from Caera? It could help a lot in the near future." She said.

"Yeah I do, it's better if I remove yours and Sevren's curse right now and then I can probably write and give you that technique, but I am not sure if you can use it or not." I said, then they both nodded and bent down for me to remove the curse.
I did as Sylvia had taught me on how to remove this mind controlling or whatever this curse was that let Agrona control the people of Alacrya, and removed the curse placed on seris and Sevren. Then I wrote down the technique and gave them to Seris as she would need this in the future.

"Now, Sevren what do you want to do? Do you want to get involved in the upcoming war or help us in some other way?" I asked Sevren, I knew how Caera would feel if Sevren got involved directly in the war so if he did chose to fight in the war I would try to change his mind as I don't want Caera to lose her brother again.

"From seeing your memories and knowing how I would die..... I think it would be better for me to help you guys by making some artifacts and relics. While I will still train to grow stronger for my self defence and not to make my little sister worry about me."

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