Chapter 9- Reunion

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Seeing caera sleep, I too crawled to her side and tried to sleep for a bit, as their was still some time left for the sun to rise.


I woke up from my sleep and saw Caera still sleeping. I then heard some footsteps coming from outside, I quickly shaked caera to wake her up. She was awake but still half asleep, "W-What happened Art?" She asked. "Quickly pull out the cloak relic, someone is coming." I said to her in a low tone, she quickly grasped the situation and pulled the cloak out and wore it making her invincible.

Then my room's door burst opened as tessia came through it. "Uhh - huh?? Who are you and where is Arthur! Tell me immediately or I am calling the guards." As she mentioned that, I remembered that I now had my appearance changed. Fucking shit.

"It is me Tess,it's me Arthur. My beast will just had an effect on my body which changed my appearance. That's all." I said.

"Are you really art? If you are then answer my questions." She said to which I nodded.

"How did Art first came here?"

"If my memories serves me right, a crybaby princess dragged me with her to here saying that she was too scared to walk around the forest alone and come back home."

"Ok then to my second and last question, how was Art allowed to stay in this castle?"

"After Gramps tested me, he offered me to become his disciple and that he would help me get assimilated with my beast will." I said.

Tessia ran towards me and pulled me into a hug, strangely enough I could feel some bloodlust from behind, and I swear that this feeling and bloodlust could rival that of an asura's. Well I didn't return the hug back as I still wanted to live my life and knowing that if I did return the hug back I could die anytime now.

"Now, Tess can you leave my room? I need to get a quick shower and a change of dress. I would be at the training ground in couple of minutes." I said. "Okay, sure art." said tessia as she started to leave my room. I then closed the door and was going to signal Caera to come out but I didn't need to ask she already did.

She had a smile on her face, and her arms crossed, emitting a deathly aura.

"Art, I know you can't do anything in this situation and all, but I swear if that little elf pulls any tricks on you, I dont  care if she is royalty or whatever she is going to die a miserable death." said Caera, my forehead had a fountain of sweat and I nodded at her aggressively. 'Why the heck did she suddenly turned into a yandere. Well not that I am complaining she looks cute when she does that.' I quickly made my way to her and gave a peck on her forehead and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry Caera, I won't give any chance to any other girl." I said to her to which she hummed as a reply.

"Now then, do you want to take a bath first?"

"Yeah sure."

"Then go and take a bath quickly, I will go after you come back. I still need to attend Gramps training." I said to her to which she nodded and went to take a bath.

I then waited for her to come out of the bathroom for couple of minutes. As she did, I went inside, took a bath quickly,changed my clothes and came out.

"Do you want to go with me to the training ground and watch from the sides or stay here in the room?" I asked caera.

"I'll go with you, I don't know what that elf princess would do in my absence and besides that i would be bored to just stay here locked up in the room, so it's better if I go with you." She said and I nodded at her.

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