Chapter 14- Memories From Tomorrow

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A/n- '____' for Mental transmission messages and "_____" for direct message.
Well added this bcoz maybe some of you might be confused due to this cotation marks in this chapter.


***timeskip***( I promise i got threatened by Aevum to do this)

Arthur entered his room, tired and exhausted. He wanted to sleep, as he got to his bed, regis called out to him.

'Arthur, today is the day sylvie is going to hatch. I know that you already know this information. So why am i saying this to you again? '

'Its because, i suspect that when she hatches, she could still have her memory of the future.'

'Listen to me before you speak, your grandma sylvia told you that there is just a chance that she could have her memories. '

'She didn't say that she was confirmed. She was assuming that on the fact that the eggs were not merged.'

'Then how am i certain that she has her memories?'

' Its because before we travelled back in time, you still had her egg inside your dimensional rune, but as soon as we got here, it was merged with the existing one.'

' So i think that the lizard princess would still have a body of when she first hatched, but she may have her memories of the future.'

'Prepare for whats to come next princess.'

'I am with Caera and Chloe, call me out if it gets out of hand.'

Arthur could just  give regis a mental nod and thanks for providing him this information before hand.

All his exhaustion and sleep disappeared as he started to prepare his mental state , preparing to handle the situation with Sylvie.

He didn't want his daughter to have her memories, as they would just make her more sad. But he didn't have a choice all he could do was hope that in the end the things turn out to be for good.

After a while Arthur noticed that the beautiful rainbow colored egg, which he kept on a warm towel had started to shake.

Arthurs eyes rolled towards his window, and then back to the egg. He was some what relieved that it was still evening and the sun was just starting to go down now.

He was relieved as he had a long time in his hand to catch up with his daughter.


Sylvie felt a stirring within her egg, a sense of awakening as if she had been slumbering for centuries. As cracks formed, she pushed through, emerging into the world with memories swirling in her mind—memories of a future she had yet to experience.

Arthur stood before her, his eyes glistening with tears as he beheld the newly hatched dragon. "Sylvie," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. He was very happy to see his daughter again after being separated from her for so long.

Sylvie was still in her newly born baby dragons body.

Sylvie's heart clenched as she met Arthur's gaze, recognizing the depth of sorrow and longing within him. 'Arthur,' she replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. 'I remember.'

This statement alone cleared any suspicion of Arthur of whether she still had her memories or not.

Tears spilled from Arthur's eyes as he sank to his knees before her, overwhelmed by a flood of memories and emotions. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice breaking. "I never wanted this burden for you."

Sylvie quickly flew to her fathers embrace and started crying. She missed her father so dearly, both of them not ready to leave each other again.

They cried and cried for a few hours.

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