Chapter 13- Assimilation and Intrusions

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'I just need to give a small push and it should be done.' I thought and started to give some of my mana to Caera, with this small push she would completely assimilate with Lumina's beast will.

"Ready Caera?" I asked her and soon after got a nod as a confirmation from her.





I had already put in a layer of aether on both me and Caera ,hence the explosion caused by the assimilation had no effects on us, like it had with me in the previous timeline where my clothes were torn and I fell unconscious right after. Thankfully none of those things happened to Caera.

"Congratulations Caera! You are officially now a beast tamer!" I exclaimed and started to help her get up.

"We will utilize our time here to first get you familiar with your beast will and try to train our 1st phase. While getting a 2nd phase will be nice but let's not do that and keep it for later." I explained to her, she had large smile on her face, she obviously was proud of her achievement.

"Thanks Art! It's because of you that this process went so smoothly." She said and hugged me, while I patted her head.

"Alright, since we had decided to get you assimilated first and now that, that is done its my turn to finish my assimilat-"

'Arthur, Caera Aya and Alea are coming towards us but it would take them a few minutes, be prepared!!' regis interrupted me by screaming in our mental connection.

wha-what? Why are Aya and Alea coming here all of a sudden? Did they sense us due to the large amount of mana that exploded due to the assimilation process?

Now is not the time to think about this stuff Arthur!! do something. We dont have much time! Wait yeah lets do that.

"Caera put on the cloak and hide somewhere oh and wait take Regis with you." i said in panick but maintained a low voice.

Both regis and caera did what i asked of them and went to hiding. Alea and Aya wont be able to sense Caera with the cloak relic and Regis is the literal embodiment of aether and no one in Dicathen except me has the ability to sense or see aether, both of them are safe for now at the least.

After confirming that they were safe, I sat down in a meditative pose and quickly started to flow mana from Sylvia's core to my whole body. i assumed that it would atleast take Alea and Aya 3 minutes to reach here.

That's enough time for me!

Soon i too completed my beast will assimilation and with that another blast confirmed it. I was happy that i had finally completed my assimilation with Sylvia's will again. This gave me a nostalgic vibe, i wanted to use my first phase but my thought process was interrupted.

"Arthur!! What's happening?! Why are you here and where are these explosions and large amount of mana coming from?!?" It was Alea that called me, she was followed by Aya right behind her.

Both of them ran towards me and then Aya quickly grabbed me an-and she did the thing that i am most afraid of!!! She hugged me so tightly and the next moment my face was being pressed against soft pillows. I couldn't breath!!

I tried to break free from that death trap but my attempts were futile. Even with an Asuran body i couldn't get used to this torture!

"Aya! Let little Art go, his suffocating, you are going to kill him like this." spoke my angel and helped me to escape from death. I quickly hugged Alea not wanting Aya to put me back in that hell!

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