Chapter 11 - Kingdom of elves

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When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Caera sleeping peacefully on top of me, while I had my hands wrapped around her waist. Well I  should probably wake her up now, or else if someone barges into my room and saw us like this, it would cause us a bit of trouble.

I patted and shook Caera gently for a bit, she started to wake up after a few attempts from my side to wake her up.

She quietly woke up and rubbed her eyes a bit and looked towards me,'cute' I thought. "Good morning." I said to her with a smile.
"Good morning Art." She replied.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Well, if I get to sleep on my boyfriend's chest...the sleep I get is really well." She said with a smirk and I chuckled a bit.

"Now then, did you decide what you want to do while we are here, Caera?"I asked to which she nodded.

"Yup, I think I will go and learn from elder Rinia. I don't want to get involved with the royalty here, atleast not right now." she said.

"Well I guess it is settled then. We should go and quickly take a bath and then I would go and drop you at Elder Rinia's house. And after my training with Gramps finishes at evening I would go to you and help you with your assimilation with the beast will."

"Well that will be good. But Art, we have a problem..... I don't have clothes that fit me..." She said while getting a bit tensed.

"Well if you dont mind, you can wear my clothes. You aren't going to be strolling around the city anyways so I think that should be fine right?"

"That.....could actually work!" She said while hugging me tightly.

"Then I'll let you go and get a bath first." I said while freeing Caera from my grip as she nodded and went to take a bath while taking a pair of my clothes with her.

As she returned, I too went and took a bath.
Then we both were ready to leave for elder Rinia's house.

"You ready?" I asked caera and she nodded, then i picked her up and carried her in bridal style while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I used godstep and the next moment we were infront of elder Rinia's house. I put Caera down and I knocked on the door and we both waited a bit for elder Rinia to open the door.

"You both came so soon?" Asked elder Rinia while opening the door.

"Yup, well we did. And Caera has made her decision, she wants to train with you, Elder Rinia." I said while Caera nodded.

"Well then come in." she said while gesturing us to enter the house.

"Okay Caera, elder Rinia, I have to go now so that Gramps isn't too suspicious of me. I'll come back at evening after my training with Gramps finishes." I said getting a nod from both. I then used godstep again and entered my room. I swear using godstep this many time with this body is pretty tiring.

'Art, while I don't think I need to remind you. But if that elf princess gets too close to you, you know what will happen right.' said Caera through our mental connection, I flinched a bit by her sudden voice.

'Of course Caera M'lady, you don't have to worry about that.' I said while assuring her, well of course I don't want Tessia to harbour feelings for me that I can't even reciprocate, so it's better if I keep a distance between us.

'See you soon then.' said Caera and I replied with a yup.

I saw that it was almost time for my training session with Gramps, and as I was about to go there, a certain someone burst opened the door.

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