the midsummers party

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Hi I'm y/n Thornton and I'm a kook. I live with my brother Topper Thornton in the outerbanks. Tonight we are going to the midsummers party and I was really excited. I found a really pretty dress to wear and I had my hair up in a half up half down plait situation.

 I found a really pretty dress to wear and I had my hair up in a half up half down plait situation

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"Y/n! I swear to god hurry up or I'm going without you!" I heard Topper scream from downstairs

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"Y/n! I swear to god hurry up or I'm going without you!" I heard Topper scream from downstairs.

"I'll be there in a second! Calm down!" I screamed back at him.

I Finnished putting my shoes on and headed downstairs before twirling around in a circle showing my outfit off to him.

"You look beautiful y/n, but we gotta go!" He said ushering me out the door.

When we arrived he immediately left me to go hang out with rafe and kelce. I just rolled my eyes and looked around. I never really liked rafe and kelce so I did not want to go over there.

I walked over to a waitor and collected myself a glass of champagne before taking a sip. I walked around for a bit talking to lots of different people before topper came over to me and whispered in my ear it's time. Me and Topper decided that this year we would suprise everyone by singing so we grabbed our microphones and pressed play on the speakers.

(When you listen to this song imagine you are the female voice and Topper is the male voice.)

As we started singing all eyes turned to us and people's faces immediately lit up with a smile. Me and Topper looked at each other during the song alot and kept dancing with each other. Everyone around us was dancing a bit aswell and throughout the song I kept catching glimpses of a blonde boy smiling at me.

I couldn't tell who it was but I could tell they were smiling. And they were smiling at me. Not Topper.

When it came to the point in the song where it slowed down and it's just me singing I walked around the tables looking at everyone. I walked over to the blonde boy who was smiling and I noticed who it was. JJ maybank. A pogue. My brother didn't have a good past with the pogues. He nearly killed them a few times in fact and he hated them even more now since one of them was dating his ex, Sarah Cameron.
He still talks about Sarah all the time. I miss her. Me and Sarah used to hang out all the time but now we don't talk.

When I came back to Topper I could tell he was angry at me because I went near them. I just tried to brush it off my shoulder and continue but the blonde boy kept smiling at me still. Once the song ended me and Topper high fived each other and everyone cheered.

"That was brilliant!" Said rose. Rose was Sarah's mum.

"Awe thank you!" I replied before walking out of the crowd of people for some space. I was getting really hot being around everyone.

"Looking sexy out there." Said a familiar voice.

"Rafe go away." I said staring into the distance.

"Why would I do that?" He replied walking closer to me.

"Rafe seriously I'm not in the mood. I'm hot and tired." I said.

"Well I can confirm the hot part." He said.

"Rafe!" I shouted turning around to look at him. I didn't realise how close to me he was until I turned around. He was basically less than 30cm away.
Rafe has always had a small thing for me but as I got older he did this sort of thing alot more.

Rafe reached his arms out to my waist and pulled me against him and then walked back so I was sandwiched between him and the wall.

"Rafe get off me!" I screamed.

"Babe you're going to give away our hiding spot." He said leaning in to kiss me.

"I'm not your babe! Get off me! Stop! Rafe get off!" I screamed.

Suddenly somebody came round the corner and saw him trying to kiss me and pushed him off me.

"Dude she said stop, what the hell is your problem?!" Said The same blonde boy from earlier.

"You shouldn't even be on this side of the island!" Rafe screamed as he punched him right around the face.

"Rafe what the hell?!" I screamed.

Rafe continued fighting with the blonde boy. Once JJ was on the floor struggling to get back up, rafe kicked him in the stomach making him curl up like a croissant. He then picked him up and started strangling him.

"Let go of him!" I screamed.

I didn't know what to do. If I tried to physically make rafe drop him I would probably end up with a very sore and bruised body.
I could see JJ struggling to breathe even more now and so no other option was going through my mind. I kissed rafe on the lips, hoping that it would catch him off guard and drop JJ. It did.

I pulled away from the kiss once JJ was on the floor trying to gain his breathe back.

Rafe then saw someone with a bag filled with some white powder and immediately excused himself and followed him.

I bent down onto the floor to help JJ. All he was trying to do was help me and now he is decorated with splatters of blood and alot of wounds that would bruise.

"Hey hey hey look at me your safe now." I said trying to get him to look at me.
"Thanks for helping me out back there." I added.

"Don't worry about it." Said JJ.

"I don't actually think we have formally met. I'm y/n Thornton." I said helping him to stand.

"Good to meet you y/n." He said.
Somebody else came around the corner. Topper.

"Get the hell away from my sister." Said Topper grabbing me by the arms and moving me behind him.

"Topper give it a rest! JJ helped me! Rafe was trying to kiss me and JJ saw and stopped it. I mean he had to fight alot but he helped me!" I screamed defending JJ.

"Seriously y/n?! You're making up some story just to defend him! He put a gun to my head y/n!" Topper yelled at me.

"Topper I'm not lying! Look at the state of him!" I said.

"He is a pogue! He has an abusive father! He looks like that all the time! Come on I'm not dealing with this your coming home." He said dragging me away with him.

I mouthed the words I'm sorry and thank you towards JJ before getting in the car.

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