Guess Who's Back?!

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It's me 😃


It's been 4 years and I finally have the time and courage to complete this silly story. I can't even get past the first chapter without cringing and closing the app 😭

This story still means so much to me. It was my first real attempt at writing my own story and it was an amazing adventure. The thrill, excitement, and encouragement I got after publishing each chapter was what kept me going in middle school. I felt so valued and important. I had a reason to keep going.

You might be wondering or asking,
"If you loved writing so much, why did you stop?"

Well after a while, writing didn't feel like the hobby it used to be for me. It felt more like a chore. I think I also complicated the plot too much and that's what discouraged me even further. Too many characters and backstories to keep up with after every chapter.

And I think you, the reader, also felt that in a way.

Life Updates (if anyone cares 🤩)
-I'm 18 now, yippie! Crazy to think I started writing this story when I was 12.
-I am a mother to 2 Chihuahuas now 🐾
-About to Graduate this May 🎓✨
-Not as depressed as I used to be 😃👍

Honestly, I think it was a good idea for me to step back and enjoy my high school years without having to worry about this story. In those 4 years, I focused on my mental health and grades, and now here I am.

All grown up 🤧 not at all prepared for this grown-up shit, it's not fun 👎 I give it a big womp womp out of ten.

Any who, I hope I still have some readers, new or ogs. Whichever, idc as long as you're here 💕

As for Ale and Luca, I'm just gonna focus on those two for now.

See you soon, lovelies 💕

Jenny <3

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