Chapter 13: Nightmares

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"What are you doing?" I ask him. His eyes are full of lust. He caressed my face and then leaned down to whisper "What do you think I'm going to do." My eyes wide in what came to mind. No, please no! All of a sudden I'm pushed and land on the bed. "Please stop, please!" I beg him, sobbing. He continues taking his hands where they shouldn't be. I cry silently. There's no point in begging, he won't stop no matter what I say.

The pain I felt was horrible, I was bleeding. He was very rough and it hurt like hell! I can't believe he just raped me! It hurt so much because it was my first time. 22 and haven't lost my virginity, well I did now, but not in the way I thought I would. I lay in bed with him passed out on the other side of me, I silently sob. I feel very sore and it hurts, I'm pretty sure I'm still bleeding.

I feel someone shake me. "Alessandra!" My eyes shot wide open. My face was sweaty and I was breathing heavily. I start to cry uncontrollably. I feel someone pull me into there embrace, I start to cry even more. The nightmares are coming back. After what feels like hours I calm down and look at who was there. Luca.

I wanted to push him away but I just looked at him and he looked at me. "I could hear you from my room, " he said. I furrow my brows. What was I saying or doing? I open my mouth to say something but get cut off.

"You don't have to explain, just try to keep things out of your head," he says and then gets up. He leaves, leaving me alone. I'm surprised he didn't get angry or be arrogant. I go out onto the balcony to take a breather. The sun was peaking over the horizon a bit and the sky looked beautiful. As much as I look at the sky the scenes of my past pop up in my head.

I'm stressing myself out. Ugh! I need to do something about this.

I go back inside and close the doors to the balcony. I get into bed and try to fall asleep.

I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains, I rub my eyes to clear my vision. I yawn while stretching, I look at the time and decide to get the day started. I do the normal brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, put on a bit of makeup, and do my hair.

I grab my phone and dial mom.

"Hey mom, " I say when she picks up.

"Alessandra, why didn't you answer our calls. We were very worried, " She says, I can sense the hints of worry and relief in her voice.

"Sorry about that, something came up and by the time I looked, it was already too late to call back." I didn't want to worry her even more by telling her what happened last night.

"But I'm fine, " I reassure her. She then told me to come over someday this week, I told her that I'll see what I can do.

We say goodbye and hang up. I groan when I hear my stomach growl. I rub it, feeling the uncomfortable twist and turns. I get up from my bed and go downstairs, I find the girls just chilling, scattered over the living room.

"Good morning girls, " I greet them. They all say good morning back.

"Any plans for today?" I ask.

"Nope, " Vanessa answers.

"Jenna had her baby yesterday we should go visit her, she would love to see all of you," I offer. Madison gets up from her place and walks towards me.

"That's a great idea, we haven't seen her in three months, " she says, "But I don't know if Luca would let us go, after what happened last night they might be looking for you." I think about what she said and she's right, the thought that someone is looking for me maybe trying to kill me terrifies me.

"I'll talk to him. In the meantime, I'll make breakfast, don't say no because that won't stop me."

The girl's request eggs, french toast, hash browns, and bacon. As I'm cooking I can't help but wonder back to what happened last night. I haven't had a nightmare in over a year, why are they coming back? I've forgotten about him and what he did, it was horrible living my life, I thought he loved me but it was all just to get my body.

I snap out of my thoughts when I smell burning. I look down at the pan and I was burning the bacon. Goddamit! Once I finish cooking everything without burning it, I set it out on the kitchen table.

"Breakfasts ready!" I yell. The girls come in and sit down. "Where are the boys?" They shrug there shoulders. I hear a knock and we turn our attention to the kitchen entrance.

"We're right here, " Theo said pointing to him and the boys beside him. "Nice to see you again Alessandra, " He comes up to me and hugs me.

I hug him back, "Nice to see you too Theo, " He steps aside and goes to mess with Lily. I laugh a little at how Lily acts so mean to him bit still manages to blush a little.

"It's nice to see you too Daniel, " I smile at him and he returns it. He goes to Maddison's side and I'm left with Luca in front of me.

"Goodmorning, " I muttered looking down at the floor, feeling a bit embarrassed at what happened last night.

He chuckled. "Goodmorning to you too, " he says and then goes to sit down. The only available seat was beside Luca so I had no other option but to sit there. As we eat the girls and guys compliment my cooking, my mom tough me how to cook and bake, I learned from the best.

After breakfast I go to Luca's office where he was to go ask him a question. I knock on the door and after I hear him say "come in," I go in.

"What do you want?" He asks bitterly. Dang, what's got him all in a bad mood! He was fine just a couple minutes ago.

"Um, I wanted to ask you a question..."

"Go ahead, " He leaned more into his chair and crossed his hands.

"The girls and I want to go to the hospital to visit Jenna and her baby, I know that because what happened last night they might be looking for me, " or trying to kill me. "But I was wondering if something could be arranged?" He thinks for a minute and then gets up from his chair.

"Your right, they are looking for you, I just got that confirmed this morning." he circles around his desk and comes towards me. "With that being said you can go with the girls but I'll have to come as well just in case something happens, " he says while looking down at me. I bit my lip in nervousness. He looks very imitating, me being short and him being tall and handsome, and arrogant.

He lets out a chuckle. "Come on, let's go then." and with that, we leave the office, gather the girls and leave to the hospital.

After we visit Jenna and little Michael, we head back to the house. When we do get to the house, for the rest of the day I hang out with the girls. I did call Aviana to tell her that I was fine and to check up on Aria.

This chapter is a long one but I wanted to make it up for you guys for not posting a chapter for many days. I hope you like it and if you did please press that star down below and vote on this chapter! Bye for now! Jennifer❤️💛1/29/19

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