Chapter 34: Positive

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I have an obsession with Blackpink too!

"Ow!" I cry out in pain.

"What happened!" Aviana asks frantically.

I hold Aria up who's smiling innocently. "She hit my boob."

She rolls her eyes and takes Aria, placing her on her hip. "Your overreacting, drama queen. Actually, Aria's the biggest drama queen, your the second biggest."

I groan in pain as it still hurt. "Stop being dramatic."

"I'm not!" I pout like a little child and put my hands on my hip.

"Ya know, your showing signs of pregnancy," she said looking everywhere else but me.

I narrow my eyes at her. "That's not true."


I nod. "Hm, so have you had morning sickness?"




"Frequent trips to the bathroom?"


"Food cravings?"




"You definitely have had mood swings and tender breast, babe we both know what pregnancy feels like so I think it's safe to say,"

Please don't say it...

"you're pregnant."

And she said it. I sigh loudly. "Why did you say have to it?" I mumbled looking at the ground. Every question she asked made me cry out in agony. I didn't want to say yes but I couldn't deny them.

"Alessandra, it was pretty clear at the cookout that you are. You're glowing and you already show." She said and looked down at my stomach.

"That's not possible. I could be gaining weight because of all the food I eat."

She shook her head. "I'll go get some pregnancy test and then we will see who is right." She put Aria down on the floor and hurried to the door.

"But-" I try to protest.

She turns around and scolds me. "No buts Alessandra! We need to know if you're pregnant. The percentage of you becoming pregnant is less than fifty so if you are that would be a miracle."

"It surely would be but I can't be pregnant!" I argue.

"And why not? From what you told me you and Luca had an intimate night and you didn't use protection. Stop making diversions!"

I pout and cross my arms. "You act like a child sometimes," she stated.

I stick out my tongue. "Just go get me the damn pregnancy test."

"Yep, you're pregnant!"


"Sheesh, hormones are going to get the best of you. I'll be back! Watch Aria for me please!" she said and runs out of my room.

Sometimes I ask myself, "Why?" But at the same time, I say, "Thank God!" Aviana can be a pain in the butt and can get on my nerves but isn't that what siblings are about? She is a pain but I love her. She is a great help when I'm down.

I look down at the floor where Aria is playing and smile. What if I'm pregnant? Luca doesn't even want me but he deserves to see his kid. Our kid.

Holy shit! Our child! Never thought I would say that.

"Aunty!" Aria yells.

"Yes, baby?"

She stands up and walks to me. "Up." She said stretching her arms up. I pick her up and place her in front, sitting above my stomach.

"Is that what you wanted?" she nods. I let out a small laugh.

"Baby." She said pointing down to my stomach.

"Mhm, there might be a baby in there. We have to wait for your mommy to get back so we can find out, would you be excited for a cousin?" I sit down on the bed and wait for her answer.

"Yes!" She squeals and claps. Someone's very excited.

I try my best to keep Aria occupied while we wait for Ava to get back.

"I'm back!" Aviana sang bursting through my door. I frown. I don't want to take those pregnancy tests.

"I know you don't want to take them but it's for the best if we know." I sigh knowing she's right.

"Just give me the dang tests." I hold out my hand for Ava and she puts two boxes in them. "You got two?" I say looking at both boxes.

"Just for precautionary measures."

I groan and mumble, "Of course." I lazily walk myself into the bathroom and set the boxes on the sink and stare at them.

Staring at the boxes won't help anything Alessandra!

5 minutes of debating and finally doing it, later

Well, it's been three minutes. I should probably check it, but I don't want to. I'm scared. Afraid. I would be happy if I'm pregnant but....what about Luca. How would he react? Would he be mad? Happy? Would he force me to get an abortion?!

You can't get ahead of yourself Alessandra! You have to look at the test before you can start freaking out.

I take in a deep breath and stop pacing around, I was shaking as I walked closer to the sink where two tests laid facing downward. This reminds me of how I found out I was pregnant with Everleigh, I found out by doing the exact same thing as know. I was so nervous, scared, and excited. Excited to be a mother to my own child.

When I saw it was positive I cried the whole night. I was alone when I found out and it was for the best because I didn't need Alexander finding out. At that time he had lost some interest in me and started hooking up with other women at night. I promised my little bean that I would protect her from her father. And I tried.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. "Are you ok in there? Aviana muffled voice said. I wiped the tears away from my face but new ones start to trail down. My mouth opened but no words came out.

"Is it ok if I come in?" she spoke again. I mumble a soft yes which I thought she wasn't going to hear but she did. She came in with a frown seeing that I was crying.

"C-can you c-check them for me?" I stuttered out, I just get myself to do it. She nodded and walked to the sink, picking up both of the tests. She studied them before turning around with a small smile.

Oh no.

She looks up at me with this look. She didn't even have to say it, I already knew what they said.

"There..." She started.

"Positive." I whisper, finishing her sentence.

And then I broke out in sobs. Why? Because how am I supposed to take care of a baby right now. I'm not ready, no one is but I just can't. I don't think that I will be a good mother. I can't lose another one.
Hehe. I know some of you were waiting for this so here you go. Sorry for any confusing parts I was really excited writing this.

Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment.

Next chapter hopefully will be out soon, I have to figure out what will happen in that one so we'll see.

I love your comments and I light up whenever I wake up and see them! They truly make my day.

I love you guys and until next time!

Jennifer❤️💛 6/21/19

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