Chapter 35: Confirming It

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We sat on the floor hugging each other. Aviana was whispering calming words in my ear as I cried softly.

"I'm going to be an aunt."

"And I'm gonna be a mom." The tears slowly started to stop and I started to feel the sadness go away.

She pulls away from me and brings my face to hers. "I don't like seeing you like this,"

"I'm not trying to be a bitchy sister and say "stop fucking crying!" That's definitely not what I'm trying to say. I'm saying that you're strong, Girly. You need to start believing that, you've done it once and you can do it again." she gave me a soft smile making me smile a little.

"It's the hormones," I said putting one hand on my stomach. She chuckles while shaking her head.

"You can't blame everything on the baby. I tried that with Noah and let's just say it didn't go well. If you know what I mean." she said, whispering the last part. As soon as she said that I stood up.

"That's too much information!" I yelled. She laughed standing herself up.

We were too busy that we didn't notice Aria walk in. "Mama?"

We both stop once we hear her soft voice and turn out attention to her. "Yes, baby?" Aviana answered her. Aria did something with her hand signaling she wanted something. "You're hungry, baby girl?" Aria nods. I was a bit in shock as Aviana understood what she wanted.

"What did she just do?" I asked Aviana.

She went to pick up Aria and said, "She did sign language, sis."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape and I smack myself on the forehead. Of course, it was sign language! How could you forget something you learned throughout your whole life? Fuckin losing my memory now? Ugh, stop speaking like that.

"Allie? Are you listening to me?" I'm snapped out of my daze as Aviana waves her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I need to get this child some food or else she'll go rogue. I'll call you tomorrow, kay?"


"I don't want you to be thinking about negative stuff and stressing yourself out. You have a tendency of doing that and it takes a toll on your health." she reminds me. "Love you, say bye to aunty Aria."

"Bye bye!" She waved at me.

"Y mi besito?" (and my kiss)

She wiggles out of Aviana's hold and runs to me jumping in my arms. I hug her and feel a wet kiss on my cheek. "Gracias bebe." I kiss her cheek and let her down. She runs back to her mommy and they say their final goodbyes.


I woke up the next morning feeling the same. Miserable and sad. I wanted to go back to bed but I had a doctors appointment that I couldn't miss. It was to confirm the pregnancy. The lines on the tests were very clear but I still needed a doctor to confirm it.

I got in the shower and then got ready. I stopped in front of the mirror wanting to take a look at myself. I lift my shirt up revealing a small bump. My hand travels to it and I rub it. There's possibly a human in there, growing.

After admiring it I head off to the clinic.

I walked in with butterflies in my stomach. The chills came on strong and I felt very anxious. You know that feeling where you want to throw up, have the chills, feel cold and miserable. That's how I feel right now. I signed in and sat down looking at the floor.

I was shaking from the anxiety and nervousness. It felt like hours before they called my name. Once I was called I was taken to a room where the nurse took my blood pressure, heart rate, asked if there was anything I needed to tell the doctor, and everything else.

"Good Morning, Alessandra." Dr. Cortez comes in the room and greets me.

"Good Morning."

She smiles and checks her clipboard. "So you think you pregnant?"

"I took two tests and they came out positive. That came as a surprise as I have a low percentage of getting pregnant." I explained while fiddling with my fingers.

She nods. "Hm, I'm going to send you to the lab to get blood work and a urine sample. How about that?" She asks me, in return, I hum a yes.

After getting all that done I waited for the results. My mind was racing thinking about the possibilities.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and Dr. Cortez comes in with a surprised expression. "Well Alessandra, your HCG levels are high and your urine sample came back positive. You're definitely pregnant."

My facial expression didn't change but I was screaming inside. How was that possible? "I thought my chances of getting pregnant were less than fifty?" I questioned really confused.

"But there's still a forty-three percent chance you can get pregnant. Your uterus has healed over time, as well as everything else and it is able to carry a baby. It's a miracle, Alessandra," She explained. When she said it's a miracle I couldn't agree anymore. It is a miracle. She took me to another room which looked familiar. It was on the maternity side of the clinic, an ultrasound room.

I haven't been in one of these for a while. Definitely brings back memories. "If you could hop up and lift up your shirt, please. Let's see how your baby is doing." Dr. Cortez told me nicely with a warm smile. I did as I was told and laid still. She was fiddling with the ultrasound machine before finally starting.

She squeezed some gel on my bare stomach, which was cold making me whimper at the sudden coldness. "Oops, I'm sorry hon!" She apologised.

"It's fine." I smile sincerely.

She continued on with the ultrasound.

"If I'm correct you told me your last period was in February so I'm guessing your about two and a half months along." She was looking up at the screen while I was looking at her face, too afraid to look up at the screen myself.

Her face turns from confused to concerned to surprised. "What is it?" I ask looking at the screen. What I saw next shocked me. "Twins!"

She chuckled. "No wonder your stomach looked bigger."

My jaw dropped. Twins. Two babies.

Oh my God!
The family is growing!

That's all for today's chapter! I don't know much about ultrasounds or the whole pregnancy thing, I learned a couple of things from movies and books. I read a lot of books that are too mature for me😂, but I love them.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment!

I'm really happy with all the love and support you all are giving me. I have taken in the fact that I'm not really a good writer and I'm surprised that people read my shitty writing. I'm reading this book on wattpad that is written way better than mine, has more votes but has fewer reads. Grammarly said I have a percentage of 75 in performance and "Your text is simple and easy to read. It's likely to be understood by someone with at least a 6th-grade education (age 11)."

Honestly, I wake up every day and look at the reads and votes and think "How is that possible?" And that's all I think about all day. Well, I also think about food but that's irrelevant.

Anyway, I love you guys and until next time!❤❤❤


Jennifer ❤💛

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