Chapter 36: Progress(Edited)

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I was still in shock and tears as I left the clinic. They are perfectly healthy and I couldn't be happier. One baby would have been great but two is even better. It runs in the family. My grandmother, Camila was a twin. She had my mom and a set of twins and one of the twins, my aunt Catalina, had twins, my cousins Mia and Alejandra. Now it's my turn. And from what my grandmother, Catalina, and Sofia told me, it's gonna be rough. But it's worth it once you have two little bundles in your arms.

My grandmother was an amazing person. Very sweet, loving, and kind. She was there for most of my teenage years and taught me some good lessons when it came to boys. She spoiled her grandkids so much. Just by her being there she did. She could smile at you and instantly you fell in love with her. Grandpa was a lucky man.

She died when I was 19, it wasn't an accident either. She was shot. By who, no one knows. Everyone was devastated, especially me and my mother. We were very close and attached to her. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. She's always in my head and in spirit.

I got back to the beach house and went to go lie down. But before I did that I pulled out the ultrasound pictures and placed one on the fridge. Smiling at it I went to my room.

I stared up at the ceiling feeling drowsy. My eyes wanted to close but I tried keeping them open. As my eyes were about to close the doorbell rang making me jolt awake.

I grunt as I stamp my way out of bed and to the door.

Who the hell decides to interrupt me from sleeping!

I opened the door revealing the one and only, Aviana. All my grumpiness went away and was replaced with happiness.

"My favorite sister!" I hugged her tightly.

"And the one and only!" She hugged me back.

We release each other and I let her in.

"You came alone," I said with a pout.

"Yeah. Aria wasn't having it today, she's been cranky and crying. I'm sure she's just teething. She stayed home with Noah." she told me and I nod.

We moved to the living room and sat down. "So how are you feeling today?" She asked me.

"Nauseous and tired. But mostly happy." I replied as a big smile crept on my face.

"How did the appointment go?"

I place my hand on my belly and rub it, still smiling like a goof. "It went great. The baby is doing good." I didn't want to tell her about there being two just yet, I wanted to surprise her and my family.

"That's great. How far along are you?" she smiled.

"10 weeks."

Her face lit up and she gasped. "You can find out the gender in a couple of weeks! Are you going to tell mom and dad?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm gonna wait to tell them or anyone else." she nodded looking away from me, becoming silent.

She looked back at me after she was done thinking about something and said, "Shouldn't you tell..."

"Don't even," I warned her. She rolls her eyes.

1 month later

Aviana looks at me up and down before saying, "You look bigger than 3 months."

What the fuck Aviana? "You're really going to say that to a pregnant woman?" I muttered rolling my eyes.

"I'm just sayin'. Anyway, what is your plan in hiding this from the father and everyone else?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I know he has the right to know but what am I supposed to say?! Hey, I'm pregnant with your child, it's ok if you want nothing to do with your child I'll take care of them!" I exclaimed. She gives me a 'are you crazy' look.

"Exactly! I am not going to do that. And as for everyone else I have a plan but I'm going to do that when I'm more along, I know I'm passed the risky stage but with my condition, I just want to make sure." By my condition, I meant the twins.

This past month of my pregnancy was tough but I got through it. I had severe morning sickness, which is not just in the morning. It's all day. Aviana and occasionally Aria as well, visit me everyday. I'm not exaggerating. Aviana is crazy about making sure I eat, sleep, take my prenatal pills, stay hydrated, everything. It's a little much but I know she's just looking out for me.

I have a checkup every two weeks to see the babies. They are growing, have a strong heartbeat, developing well, perfectly healthy. I could have found the genders out by now but I want to be surprised. I'm sure Aviana wants to throw a gender reveal party for what she thinks is one baby and a baby shower.

*Yeah I'm happy but it's rough not having Luca by my side. I think about him everyday and I feel guilty not telling him about his kids. As much as I hate him, I love him. I cry at night when no one's watching because I miss him. And Gracie. It isn't that same without those two around or with everyone else. My phone was blowing up with calls and messages from the girls the first week living in the beach house. I couldn't get myself to answer and blocked them. I know I'm being selfish but I was overwhelmed. My thoughts weren't in the right place.

1 month later

"I like this one!" I argued holding up a gray onesie that had a giraffe on it.

"Goddamnit! Now I know how I was when I was pregnant." Aviana whisper yelled, not wanting the whole store to hear her.

"Just get that one," she added walking away. I smiled.

I always win. Hehe.

I put the onesie in the cart full of baby clothes. I may have gone overboard with the clothes but there two of them and they are going to go through a bunch of clothes.

This month has been a bit easier but at the same time not, the sickness has gone away for the most part. My back hurts, I have to pee every five minutes, I'm craving weird things like pickles and goldfish. The babies are starting to move around, keeping me awake at night.

The amazing thing is experiencing this again. Experiencing my babies and stomach grow. The feeling of them moving around inside of me. The cravings. Everything.

I just wish someone was here to experience that with me.
Don't you worry, Luca will make his appearance soon! And it's going to be one hell of a ride!

I was kinda clueless writing this chapter but I figured it out!......well until the last part.

It's like 12 am where I live, I spent three hours working on the majority of this chapter. Some of it might be rubbish.

I hope you liked today's chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you guys and until next time!



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