Chapter 11: The Attack

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Many months have pasted. To be exact 7. And a lot has happened in those 7 months. Luca and I have been getting closer. I got to know many things about him. Things he likes and dislikes, what his favorite thing to do is, his family history, and others. Although he is very arrogant, has sudden mood changes, may lash out, yell, and keep me in the house and barely let me out of the house without his permission.

I've gone to visit my family and be with them for Christmas. Ive also spent some time with Maria and Leonardo. My mom and dad are doing great, Aviana and her little family are doing great as well. Jenna is about to pop, literally. She will give birth anytime soon to a baby boy. Her and Mark are very excited and I am too. I gave her maternity leave four months ago, I didn't want her to stress herself out with work and because of the holidays.

I have been going in to work everyday and been in lots of meetings. Without Jenna it is hard to keep track but my dad makes sure I do keep on track. I've been keeping in touch with Catalina and they have been doing great as well.

Back to reality

I do my normal morning routine and get dressed. I go downstairs and into the kitchen. I start to make pancakes for breakfast. I take out all the ingredients to make the batter and start putting them together in a bowl. After 6 pancakes are stacked on a plate, I set them on the table, just then Luca comes in.

"Good morning." I say cheerfully.

"Good morning." He mutters and sits down.

Well someone's in a crappy mood. That's probably going to change in a snap, knowing how his mood changes very quickly.

I sit down and start to eat and so does Luca. Along with pancakes, I made eggs and bacon. After were both done eating, I grab both our plates and put them in the sink.

"Don't worry about the dishes, I'll do them." Luca says, I just nod and say ok.

I have a bit more time before I have to be at work so I sit on the couch and just sit there hearing the dishes being washed.

I look at my phone and see the time. Crap! I hurry and put on my coat. I go to the front door and grab my keys off the table by the door. Before I can even step out the door someone grabs my wrist, making me turn around to see Luca.

"Let me drive you." He offers. I debate weather I should or shouldn't. I decide to just let him and set down my keys on the table.

I sigh. "Ok." He smirks and starts to head out the door. I follow him outside and into his car. Minutes later he pulls up to the company building.

I get out of the car and say goodbye to Luca. I walk into the building and go into the elevator up to floor 23. The elevator stops and I get out.

"Good morning Mrs.Ro- Alessandra." I smile at Lilyana who is the receptionist. When I returned for the honeymoon people started calling me Mrs.Romano and I didn't like it, so they either call me Alessandra or Ms. Alessandra.

"Good morning to you too. Have anything for me today?" I ask and she sakes her head.

I give her an ok and then go to my office. I see my dad standing inside and know I'm in trouble.

"Your late." He says. I roll my eyes playfully and take off my coat.

"Only by a couple minutes." He narrows his eyes at me. I laugh innocently.

"You can't fire me dad." I act all innocent because he knows it's true.

"I can't and why would I fire my own daughter?" He chuckles. I shrug and sit down in my chair.

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