Chapter 1: Meeting Him(Edited)

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Two days later                                                          

Alessandra's POV

Today I was meeting him and I couldn't be more nerves. First of all, I didn't know who he was and second of all, I didn't know what he would be like. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" the door opens and I see my mom.

"Hi, sweetie just wanted to tell you that they will be here in an hour and a half, so get ready." I nod my head and she leaves.

I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and put on a black dress with silver one-inch heels. Picture above of her outfit.👆(I'm not the best at describing fashion.)

Then I dried my hair and curled it into loose curls. I put on a bit of makeup, then looked at myself in my full-length mirror. I smiled as I looked at myself but it didn't last long when I heard the doorbell ring. I hear mom and dad greet them and all of a sudden I feel nerves. 'Calm down Alessandra you have nothing to be nerves about.' I tell myself as I head to the door and open it.

"Alessandra please come down!" I hear mom say. "I'm coming!" I say and slowly walk down the stairs.

I stop at the bottom of the stairs, taking a deep breath before entering the living room. I see a woman and a man who look like they are in their late forties and beside them is a man who had black hair and gray eyes, he had a suit on although the others had casual clothes on.

The room becomes silent and the attention is on me. Mom and father come up to me. They give me a smile and I give them a smile back.

"Don't be nerves." Mom mouthed before they both turn around and stand on each side of me.

"Alessandra this is Maria and Leonardo, the parents of Luca." my father says as they stand up.

"It's nice to meet you." I smile, shaking there hands.

"It's nice to meet you too." Maria said as she shook my hand and then stood next to her husband.

Then I see the man come up from behind them.

"Alessandra this is Luca." his father said as he came beside them. I just looked at him and he looked at me. He had no emotion in his eyes so it was hard to tell how he felt.

"Anyway, why don't we go and eat." Mom said and they all nod.

"Mom!" I whisper.

She turns around "What is it Allie." she asked concerned.

"Can we talk.." I get light headed and feel dizzy.

"Umm.." then I feel like I will fall over. I grab onto Dad's arm. He holds onto me and puts me on the couch.

"Allie what's wrong!" Mom says as she kneels down in front of me.

"I was trying to say that I can't eat because I can't keep it down." I say and sit up. She put the back of her hand on my forehead and moved it around.

"You have a fever," she moves her hand to my cheek. "Let's get you to your bed ok?" I nod and she helps me up. We walk up the stairs and into my room.

We walk over to my bed and she lays me down. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I thought it would go away by today but I was wrong, I felt sick all day yesterday and when I ate I would throw it up." I say and move to my side.

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