Chapter 39: She's Alive

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She goes to the same job everyday
She's overworked and underpaid
Just 'cause the way her body's made
Ain't that insane? If you never been told how you gotta be
What you gotta wear, how you gotta speak
If you never shouted to be heard
You ain't lived in a woman's world
And if you can't see that it's gotta change
Only want the body but not the brains
If you really think that's the way it works
You ain't lived in a woman's world


I stayed in my little corner for a while, huddled up in a ball but being careful of my belly. All I was thinking about was how I was going to get out of here, my babies, and my family. They are probably worried sick about me. I wonder if Luca knows, if he is looking for me, if he even cares, cares about me. I probably shouldn't be thinking like that but what he did to me hurt, maybe that wasn't his intention but that doesn't mean you should still do it. We make mistakes and sometimes you can come back from them but sometimes you can't.

"Cici?"A little voice called out. I immediately unravel out of my ball and become alert. A soft sigh and little whimper come from the other side of the room, the part that was covered by a wall. I carefully stand up and tiptoe to the other side.

My eyes widen and I gasp at what I see. A little girl and a sleeping boy on the cold concrete floor. The little girl's eyes widen in fear when she sees me, she scoots closer to the little boy sleeping on the floor and hugs her knees.

I get on my knees, seeing that if I come closer she might freak out even more.

"I promise I won't hurt you." I tell her as she shook from fear. She looked about 5-6 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, small.

"What's your name sweetie?"I asked.

She hesitates before telling me. "Celeste." She whispered after some time.

"That's a beautiful name."I told her as she smiles and slowly lets go of her legs.

"Thank you."She shyly said, twirling a loose piece of her hair.

I point to the little boy sleeping and ask, "What's his name?"


"Is he your brother."She shook her head no.

"Where's his mother then." I asked a bit concerned.

"Two evil men dragged her out of the cell and ripped him away from her!" She exclaimed with her sweet voice.

"She's a very nice woman who has taken very good care of us, she protects us if one of those filthy men are trying to touch us."

"Is her name Cici?"

She shakes her head again. "No, it's Gracie. Cici is the nickname I call her by."

"Gracie?!" I gasped, shocked.

"Yep. Gracie Morr-etti." She said trying to pronounce her last name.

Gracie Morretti. It can't be. She's been dead for 11 years. It just can't be.

I look at the little boy sleeping on the floor who looked about 2 years old and I look at his features. Dark brown hair, small nose like his mother, probably has beautiful light green eyes that just mesmerize you, he looks just like her.

I was too engulfed by the tiny boy's features that I didn't notice someone enter. My body jolted in fear as I heard someone start talking.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The man said frantically. He had black hair, similar features to some I know.

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