Chapter 20: Sneaky

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I let Gracie out for her to do her business. She runs in and out of the snow as she's too small, she face-plants into the snow and struggles to free herself. I go out to help her and instantly feel the very cold air blowing in my face. I quickly grab her and take us inside. I've lived in New York for many years and I'm still not used to it.

I give her breakfast and get myself some. Everyone left to go somewhere I don't remember where to but they left me alone with Luca. He's been in his room the whole morning and hasn't come down and I don't plan on bothering him.

My phone starts ringing pulling me out of my thoughts. I take it out my pocket and answer.

"Hello?" I say.

A cry in the background could be heard. "Hi Allie." Jenna says.

"Oh hi, Jenna. How are you?" The crying continues.

"Shh, little guy mommy's trying to talk to your Auntie." I giggle at what she says, motherhood.

"Is Michael giving you a hard time?" I ask her. She sighs.

"Yeah. I tried everything and he won't calm down, Mark tried as well and nothing." she says and I could sense the panic and worry in her voice.

"Try rocking him and sing to him." I suggest.

"You know I can't sing, you do it." I huff.

"Fine, grab him and sit down on the rocking chair."

I start to sing Down in the valley. I don't know who it's from but I sang this in 7th grade for a chorus concert.

"Down in the valley, the valley so low,"

"Hang your head over, hear the wind blow,"

The crying started to cease and by the end, he stopped.

"Still an angle." Jenna sang. She says she can't sing but she can.

"Thank you for helping." She said in a hushed voice.

"No problem. Anytime you need help just call me."

She hums an ok and shuffles around. Gracie barks making me jump, I shush her before she continues.

"Was that a dog?" Jenna asked.

"Mm-hmm, Luca gave me a puppy as a little support animal. Gracie come here." I call her over and she jumps beside me.

"She's very sweet and lovable. She needs a little more training but she's a good puppy." I say while petting her.

"Aww that's so sweet." she gushes making me chuckle.

"Anyway got to go, thanks again! Also come visit soon, we all miss you!"

"No problem and I'll see when I can visit, bye." She says goodbye and hangs up.

I check the time seeing its already past 1. Luca hasn't come down yet and I'm a bit worried. Standing up from the couch, I go upstairs and go to the door next to my room. I knock on the door and knock again when I don't get a response.

I open the door and see he's sleeping on his bed. Walking over to his bedside quietly, I crouch down on my knees. I bring my hand up to his face and trace his jaw.

His face becomes more stern and scrunches up a little from my touch. I move my thumb up to his lips that kissed me days ago and softly trace over them.

I know I probably shouldn't be doing this but he's so tempting. He would have any girl on her knees begging to be with him. Bet he was a player back in his younger days, now he doesn't have time for anything.

It's only a matter of time before he'll have me on my knees.

I laugh to myself. "Only in your dreams Allie." I stand up from his bed and back away. I look at his sleeping form one more time before leaving.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and suddenly the door unlocks and opens. The boys came through the door panting with bags of clothes and other things, the girls following with nothing in their hands.

I let out a laugh.

I'm about to make my way to the boys to help when an arm makes its way around my waist and gets a hold on me. The familiar smell of cologne comes to my nose, it's Luca.

His hot breath hits the back of my ear giving me goosebumps.

He whispers "We need to talk." in my ear.

I swallow the lump in my throat and turn around. His hand slides around my bare stomach, touching some scars.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask him.

He looks down at my stomach and traces his thumb over one of the scars, making me gasp and my eyes widen.

"I think you know what we need to talk about." he responded sternly, looking at me with his gray eyes.

I gulp once more before nodding my head.

God what have I gotten myself in to!

Well, guys! Here's another chapter for you, it's a short one but you got a chapter.

I hope you liked it and if you did don't mind to vote.

This is where the story really gets interesting so stay tuned for more! Hopefully they'll be 20 more chapters after this one, hopefully!

Also I'm indecisive and changed Luca's eyes color three times but gray will stay. Bye loves! 3/23/19 Jennifer❤️💛

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