Chapter 30: Family

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"Luca?" A familiar voice said. I was in my office, working on some documents I needed to finish by tomorrow. 

"Yes, Alessandra." I said looking away from the papers. She comes into view and she nervously walks close. She's cute when she's nervous.

"Can we um..." she stops and fiddles with the hem of her dress. "Words babe."

She takes a deep breath, placing her hand on her stomach. "Can we go visit my family? They are having a cookout today to celebrate Aria's Birthday and I wondered if we could go." She said in a hushed tone.

I stand up from my desk and walk over to her. "We can go. At what time is it?" I ask.

She smiles. "5:45"

"Ok, I'll see you in 2 hours. Now run before I kiss the hell out of you for being cute." I tease. Her eyes widen and her cheeks become light pink. She turns and walks out hurriedly.

I chuckle. So damn cute.


We pull up the driveway and Luca comes around to help me get out. He wraps an arm around my waist as we walk up the steps. Mom opens the door and we greet her. She tells us everyone's outside and we go out back. A calm feeling envelops me as I felt safe and happy being surrounded by my family.

I greet everyone then the babies. Michael was in a fluffy jacket as it was a bit chilly outside and Aria was wearing a shirt that had the number one in glitter and a tutu.

Aviana walks up to me and smirks. "You're glowing."

"Shush up!"

"And you've gained weight." She added.

"Ava!" I whine.

"I'm stating the obvious, sis." She said making me pout. She studies me for a good minute before gasping. "Sis! You did the deed with Luca!" She exclaimed will grinning.

My eyes widened and my cheeks flare up. She claps her hands and says, "It took you long enough and he is your husband." I stare at her giving the "bitch" face.

"Lets just please not talk about it, K. It was a mistake, " although I don't regret it. "and happened because we were both drunk. It's been two months and I'm over it." I said a bit paranoid, not at Aviana but just at the subject.

"Ok." she shrugs her shoulders. " Let's go help mom in the kitchen." I nod and we go. Mom was getting the meat ready to go on the grill and so we helped her out.

"Allie, can you pass me an onion?" Mom asked me. I grab an onion and pass it to her. All of a sudden a sickening feeling comes over me, the smell of onion and other vegetables disgusts me.

I excuse myself and run to the living room. I breathe in and out heavily to get rid of the rancid smell. Cooing grabs my attention and I scan the room to find Michael in his swing.

"Hi, little guy." I coo, crouching down. He puts his hand in his mouth and starts sucking on it.

"Looks like someone lost there paci huh? Let me help you out buddy." I unbuckle him from the seat and lift him up, laying him in my arms. His blue pacifier was in the swing and I grab it.

I walk to the kitchen and wash it and place it in his mouth. I walk back to the living room, bouncing as I go but bump into someone.

"Oops, sorry. Wasn't paying attention." I say not looking at the person but keeping my eyes on Michael.

"Its ok Alessandra. I can see your hands are occupied." Just by the accent and the fact that he calls me Alessandra I could tell it was none other than Luca.

I look up and smile shyly which he returns. "Allie did you take Michael." Jenna yells from somewhere. "I did!" I yell back.


I sigh heavily still not feeling good. "You good?" Luca asks.

"Yeah good." I reassure. He nods and then looks at the baby.

"You wanna hold him?" I offer, he shakes his head no. "You sure?" He nods nervously.

"You've never held a baby before have you?" He shook his head no, vigorously.

"Luca, " I laugh. "Are you afraid you're going to squash him?" He nods. "Yes." A small whisper, he looks terrified looking at Michael.

"You shouldn't be. Where's the man I know who is strong, huh?" I step closer and rub his arm. "Plus, one day you'll have one of your own and you're going to have to help."

Our eyes meet and I swear I saw them light up. Everything around us disappeared and we just remained. So much emotion pasted around in his eyes, too fast to even register.

Slowly things come back and I come back to my senses. "You gonna hold him or no?"

Luckily he says yes and I hand him the baby. I support his head while Luca gets comfortable and let go when he has a good grip. "See, it's not that bad." I say, caressing Michaels' hand.

"Guess not." He smiles down at the newborn. I smile at the sight, can't wait to see him with a baby of his own. He would be a great father, amazing as a matter of fact.

Would this marriage still have happened if Everleigh was here? Or if I was still in a relationship?

Those two questions dawned on me and I became curious.

"Umm, Alessandra he's crying!" a panicked voice said and I'm drawn out of my thoughts. Luca looks at the crying baby with wide eyes and fear. Ugh, why?

"It's ok, he probably wants to change positions and maybe get the pacifier back in his mouth." I adjust Michael so he's resting his head on Luca's chest and put his pacifier back in his mouth. "See. You just have to figure out what the baby wants." He rubs Michael's back and Michael slowly closes his eyes.

A tug at the bottom of my dress gets my attention and little miss birthday girl was there. "Looks like the birthday girl wants some attention too." I said and picked her up, placing her on my hip. I adjust her pink tutu and hair bow.

I kiss her cheek. "Mi Princesa Hermosa." (My beautiful princess) She gives me a big smile, showing her baby teeth. She's so cute.

"Come on lets go outside with everyone else and I want to show you something." I say starting to walk towards the door leading outside.

We reach outside and I take him to a spot we claimed as ours a long time ago.

"Twee!" Aria said pointing to it. "Yes baby that's a tree. It's aunty and uncles tree."
I let her down and she walks to the trunk of the tree. I lay my head on Luca's arm and breathe out slowly.

Life hasn't been this calm and enjoyable until now, but I have a feeling something horrible, exciting, and surprising is about to happen.

Let's just enjoy the joy, calmness, and happiness for now.

Here's another chapter for you lovely people! One more chapter to go until the fun parts come.

Sorry for a bit of a delay, today is my baby cousins birthday and he's turning the big 3. I've been busy helping decor for the little party he's having.

Anyway, if you LOVED this chapter don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT your favorite part of today's chapter, and until next time!

Love you all,


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