Chapter 23: Aftermath

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My eyes open wide as a feel something warm against my chest. I didn't expect to see who was there. I open and shut my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but surely I wasn't.

What the hell happened last night?

I look back down to the small figure laying in my arms and notice love marks and bites. She's also barely covered with the white duvet, only from her thighs to her chest.

Realization dawns on me. Shit! I slept with her!

I spring out of bed not caring if I wake her up and quickly get dressed. She stirs in her sleep but before she wakes up I sprint out the room.

What have you done!?

Never drinking again! Pff, that's a lie.

How did I let this happen?

I wasn't that drunk was I? I was a bit tipsy.

I start questioning myself and try to remember what happened. My fists ball up in anger and I'm at my point where I'm about to blow.

Don't let anger cloud your head! Don't let anger cloud your head!

I whisper repeatedly to myself and let out slow breaths. Hopefully she doesn't remember last night. I think she was drunker than me, so she might not remember.


My body suddenly falls onto something soft and feels cold from the loss of warmth. I want to open my eyes but they're too tired and heavy. I move to my side and feel more comfortable.

I can hear the sound of a belt clicking and shuffling in the background. Finally finding the strength to open my eyes, I open them only to see Luca dashing of the room. I frown and look around the room.

This isn't my room.

The room is a dark color of red and just is very dark itself. How did I end up here? I prop myself up on my elbows and take a deep breath, but I stop when I look at myself.

The hell! I'm naked in Luca's bed! That means.... I SLEPT WITH HIM! AY MADRE DE DIOS!

I jump out of bed and sense some pain in between my legs. With the duvet wrapped around my body tightly, I get ready to run but before I can I see blood on the sheets. My shoulders shudder and a chill is sent down my spine. I'm not even a virgin!

I forget about it and run out the room to mine. I shut the door behind me and go into the bathroom. I get rid of the duvet and look at my body in the mirror.

Love bites all around my chest and neck, and marks over my back. Damn.

Last night was a mistake, how could I let this happen? Never drinking again and that's a real promise.

I feel something warm trickle down my thigh and look down to see blood. Panic set in and I hop in the shower. I let the warm water go over my body as I stand still. Seeing little streams of blood go down the drain I close my eyes tightly.

Memories. Memories of my first time, memories of the horrible experience I had, memories of the excruciating pain, memories of heartache, memories of having to go through pain every single day.

I choke out a sob and hug myself. I slide down the shower wall bringing my knees close to my chest and hug them. Water mixed with tears flows down.

Never thought I would end up sleeping with him from a drunken night. I caught feelings for him, that I can't deny. I don't know why but I did. At first, I thought he was a cold and ruthless man but he's been getting softer around me. I don't show it because the last time I did it turned out for me and because I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me.

We were both furious about this arranged marriage but we couldn't do anything. My father said it was done because it would make the companies "stronger" I guess? And it would bring more people to our companies, but I have a feeling it's because of something else.

The point is were just an agreement and out to make a good reputation for our labels. There's no point in liking or loving someone if they're not gonna notice you, that's what I learned from my abuser. He said many things like "your worthless" and "nobody will love you after what I do to you."

Remembering those words send daggers to my heart. Everytime I remember something or have a flashback my heart starts to hurt.

When the tears stop falling I wash my hair and body. I stand in the shower with no water running for a bit. I sometimes do that randomly if I'm tired. I get my thoughts together and go to my closet and pick something out. I dry and brush my hair, put a tiny bit of makeup on which I didn't even bother to cover the hickeys with.

I take a deep breath before exiting the room with shaky steps. I go downstairs and see no one is up. I take this as my chance to escape. I grab my keys and my jacket, I put it on end open the door.

Footsteps behind me cause me to stop, I look and see Luca.

"Where are you going?" He asks with arms crossed.

I hold onto the door handle for support as I feel a sudden need to throw up. I put a hand on my stomach, "I just need to see my family, I can't be here right now and I'm sure you don't want me here either, " I say showing a weak smile.

"I won't be long, " I start pulling the door behind me when he speaks.

"Alessan--" I interpret him.

"Luca don't please, by the look on your face I can tell you thought I wouldn't find out, but Luca I'm a smart person." I say in a low voice, no having the energy to yell.

His eyes were swirling with emotion, but he covered it up quickly not giving me time to understand it.

I close the door behind me locking it, get in my car and drive off to my first destination. My parent's house.

I arrive and go inside. "Mama!" I yell and it echoes through the house.

She comes around the corner and smiles when she sees me. "There you are!" I smile widely and run up to her and hug her.

"Mmm, I missed you mom."

"I did too cariño." She says taking a piece of my hair and putting it behind my ear.

"Where's dad?"

"He's around here somewhere, amor!" She yells and no response. Shaking her head she grabs my hand.

"Let's go find him." Ma takes me around the house and we look for him. "That man is getting older and older." she whispers making me laugh.

We finally find him in the lounge. "Liam! There you are."

I smile as I walk up to him."Hija, a surprise seeing you here." He hugs me which I return.

"Yeah well, I needed some time out of the house. Anyway, how are you guys?" I ask and sit down.

"We're doing fine, how about you Allie?" Dad answers.

"I'm doing well, Luca got me a puppy to help with the nightmares and she's a handful but hyper puppy." I giggle at the end of my sentence as I remember one of the times Gracie gave me such happiness.

They both chuckle. "Well that's good."

We talk for a little bit more before I had to go. My next destination was Aviana's house. I get to see Aria who I haven't seen in a while and Ava, let's not forget Noah.

I spend a little time with Aria while talking to Ava and Noah. After that I head to my third and final destination. Luca's parent's house.

I'm here delivering this chapter to you lovelys three days early! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and hope you loved it.

Hope you enjoyed if you did don't mind to vote.

Next chapter will be out as soon a possible! This story is getting more deeper and I can't wait to let you in my major plans for it. Much love Jennifer❤️💛


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