Chapter 40: The Plan

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(a little bit of a change for once)

Luca was looking around and said to himself, "Man, you need to get your act together." The room was a mess. Glasses all over the place, empty whiskey bottles, bottles of other liquor. It was just a mess. He cleaned it up as fast as he could because he had some important business to attend to. The plan to get his wife and kids back.

He felt weird thinking about that. He was going to be a dad for the first time in his life. He only ever held a baby or child three times before and surprisingly they didn't cry. When kids would look at him they would tear up and get scared, he had a natural stone face that was scary to everyone. Then he got to wondering. Will he be a good father? Will he be good enough to be their father?

He shook the thoughts away when he saw Mason walk in. "Hey bro, what's on your mind?" Mason asks him.

He sighs, "The usual."

"Ah yes, I'm always thinking about my girl."

He laughed to himself. "At least your girl isn't kidnapped," He thought. He didn't realize he said that out loud and Daniel looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"I wish I wasn't."

"Well shit. Do you want me to call everyone and tell them to meet us at the warehouse?"

He nods. "Do it immediately." Daniel nods and leaves.

Gracie comes trotting in with something in her mouth while wagging her tail. She places it on the floor and barks. "What did you bring this time?" Luca asked walking to her. She just wages her tail even harder. For the past two months, she brings random things from Alessandra's room to him. Let's not say what they are because some of them are...unexplainable.

Luca picks the item off the floor and looks at it. It was a picture of them laughing with Gracie attacking them with kisses, which was taken by Harper. He smiled slightly remembering that moment. She was happy, he was happy, they all were happy. He's ready to have more of those kinds of moments.

"Do you want your mom back?" Luca asked the dog. She barked loudly and spun in a circle, saying yes. "Good, because I'm ready too."He petted her.

"You be a good girl and I'll be back with her, got that?"

She whimpered. "You'll be fine. Don't make a mess." He said heading out the door.

He drove down to the warehouse were everybody was waiting. The girls were anxious and couldn't calm down, the boys were worried but kept cool on the outside for there partners sake.

"Do you know where she is?" Madison asked as soon as Luca entered the room.

"No, and that's the problem." Luca sighed. Vanessa looked as if she was going to pull out her gun and shoot him, and the truth is she wanted to so badly.

"Vanessa right now is not the time to play games. You can kill me later." She rolled her eyes and stayed quiet.

"Is there anything that we can track her with?" asked Mason as he walked up behind Madison, putting his face on her shoulder.

They all took some time to think and none of them could answer. Well except for one. "Her necklace" Madison whispered getting all the attention.

"What necklace?" Luca asked confused.

"The one that she always wears she never takes it off. There's a tracker in it. We all wanted to make sure if anything like this happened that we would be able to find her, we know how much she loves her angle. It was the perfect gift to put a tracker in."

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