Chapter 38: Regret

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I fucking regret everything. I shouldn't have let her go and be a coward. Instead of throwing her out to fend for herself I should have protected her.

The day she left

"Where is she, Luca!" Vanessa yelled. The other three looked at me with anger. They were all pissed at me while the boys shook there heads.

"I don't know," I said bluntly.

Vanessa runs up to me about to attack when one of the boys catches her from behind. "LET ME GO! IM ABOUT TO KILL HIM!" Daniel drags her away from me as she kept yell threats.

"You really fucking messed up this time Luca. How many times do we have to tell you that girl loves you with her whole heart! You better make this right if not all four of us will kill you." Lily said giving me a death glare before leaving. The other two shake there head then leave with the boys.

Sighing heavily I walk to the lounge, already knowing what I'm about to do.

(If you don't remember who Maria is she is Luca's mother and Isabella is Alessandra's mother)

Two days after Alessandra's disappearance

The doorbell rings. Hmm, I wonder if it's Luca. I open the door and to my dismay it was Isabella. My smile went away when I saw tears running down her face.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

She looks at me with sad eyes. "It's Alessandra she's missing."

"What! I gasped.

I realized the poor woman was shaking from worry, she's probably thinking about what happened. "Come in." I open the door wider so she could come in.

I bring her into the living room and sit her down. "Leonardo I need you in the living room now!" I yelled.

"What." He yelled back.

"Don't snap at me," I warned him, "We have a situation and it involves Alessandra, now hurry up and get your butt in here!"

He hurries into the room and greets Isabella. I give him a knowing glare making him gulp and sit down beside me. Hehe.

I turn to Isabella who can't control her tears. "I need you to tell us what you know if you know anything."

She nods before taking a deep breath in. "Alessandra told me something happened between her and Luca but didn't tell me what exactly happened. She sounded heartbroken when I would talk to her. Remember that beach house we all used to go to when they were little?" she asked us.

Me and Leo nod.

"That's where she is staying. Me and Liam would visit her but she was acting really strange, she wasn't herself and she was always covering her stomach. Then we stopped visiting but we stayed in contact, Aviana would keep us up to date. All of a sudden she disappeared two days ago and now...w-we don't know where she is." she explained while silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Oh my.

I pull her in for a hug and rub her back trying to comfort her. I look back a Leo, we both give each other a look. A look that says we need to help.

Oh, Luca, what did you do to the poor girl? He hasn't come to see us in two months and he visits at least once a month, and he hasn't been at work, I knew something was up.

I release her and made her face me. "Can you do me a favor, Bella?" I ask her as she nods slowly.

"Can you get Aviana down here, she might have some important information that might help us."

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