Chapter 3: Second Encounter

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4 days later

I'm sitting in my office staring at the wall and scared. My wedding is in Two days! I was freaking out inside. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

"Allie, me estás escuchando!" (Are you listening to me) I shake my head and see my dad standing in front of my desk looking mad.

"Dad!" I say confused. He sighs and his face softens.

"Alessandra you haven't done any work, what's wrong," I breathe in slowly and put on a fake smile. "Nothing is wrong I just have a lot on my mind," He doesn't seem convinced but takes it.

"If you say so," he heads to the door but stops. "We have a meeting at 2:00 with a client and Leonardo and Luca will be there." then he leaves.

I wait until he's gone to grab a pillow from my couch and scream into it. Ughh! Whyy!That will be the second time I see him in almost two weeks! I'll have to survive for at least an hour and a half.

I head into the meeting room a couple minutes early and sit down. I put my head in my hands. I don't know why but I feel like crying. So much has happened in one year that it's all clogging my head. My abusive ex-boyfriend that got me pregnant, then made me lose my baby, and now I'm getting married to someone I just met and don't even know him.

I put those thoughts behind because if not I would've bursted out in tears and right now is not the time for that. I hear a deep voice enter the room. I look up and see Luca and Leonardo. He comes my way and sits down in front of me. He looks at me and then turns away. My eyes are probably red so I fix myself up. For the rest of the meeting, he occasionally glances my way. I focused on the meeting and didn't look at him. After it finished everyone left except for Luca and Leonardo.

I sit there quietly looking at my hands. My father exits the room and then comes back. He comes over to me and gets down to my level.

"Your mom is downstairs waiting for you," I smile and nod.

I get up to go but before I can he says "You okay" I nod and say a quiet yes. Then I go downstairs and go with mom. We get to Maria and Leonardo's house. Maria lets us in and we start to talk.

"What did you what to talk about?" I say as I sit in front of her and beside my mother.

"Well I know that the wedding is in two days and that you don't know Luca very well so I thought you would like to know somethings," she smiles.

I think about it. She is a very kind and sweet person and she took time out of her day to talk to me, how could I say no.

"Yeah," I say while nodding. "That would be nice," She nods.

"Ok then, let's see... his personality," she continues. "He can be rude, but if you get on his good side he is caring and nice, you'll get to know him more, later on" She gives me a reassuring smile and I give her a small one.

"Well can I know something's about you,"

I tell her something's about me but didn't tell her about my past because I felt that we both need some time to get to know each other, after all, she is going to be my mother-in-law.

Then we started to talk about the wedding. I already know how they go since I've gone to a lot of weddings. She just goes over what will happen at what time.

"Allie, sweetheart!" My mom put her hand on my shoulder. I snap out of my thoughts and look at her.

"What it is?" I sigh sadly.

"It's been a rough week, thinking about Everleigh and other things, it's just... a lot to handle," I say on the verge of tears. She pulls me into a hug.

The memories keep coming back. It was a very hard time when it happened, it took me a long time to look past it. And now that the wedding is coming up they came back.

"Sorry but if you don't mind me asking, who is Everleigh," Maria asked and brought me back to reality.

I pull away and look down at my hands. "My daughter," I look up and at her. "I lost her when I was five and a half months pregnant."

She walks over to me and gives me a hug. "I'm sorry about that, but at least we have something in common," I look at her confused.

"What do you mean?" A small smile appears on her face.

"I lost a baby too, she was born still (stillborn)" Oh. She's gone through something similar, she knows how I feel.

"What was her name," was all I could ask.

"Alessia," I give her a warm smile and she does too.

After talking for what felt like hours I went home. I get home, talk a shower and go to bed. Maybe this whole marriage thing will work out.
Just maybe?

I'm still figuring things out with writing, but If you liked this chapter please comment, share, and vote for my story.

Also sorry for not updating for a week, I have been busy with school and my phone got token so... yeah. Don't be afraid to click the star down below. Jennifer❤️💛

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