Chapter 14: Baby Fun

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A couple of days have passed. Not much has happened, it's been pretty boring. Sure the girls are keeping me happy and content, but not being able to get outside of the house is kind of irritating. The nightmares have been getting worse, they happen every night and I barely get any sleep. I wake up sweaty and cry at the bad memories. I think people are starting to notice something's going on.

My phone starts to ring and I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I question not knowing who it is.

"Allie! Sis, can you do me a big favor?" Aviana pleads. I sigh, feeling tired.

"Hey Ava, sure what is it?"

"Can you watch Aria for me, please." I lighten up when I hear that.

"Yes! I would love too!" I jump up and down where I'm sitting, I get to see my little Munchkin!

"Great, Noah and I are going on a little date and we thought you could take her for a couple hours, " I say ok and hang up. I then remember she doesn't know where we live, I send her the address and put my phone in my back pocket.

I get up from the bed and before I can walk out, I catch a glimpse of my face. I grunt as I see dark circles under my eyes. I try to cover it up as much as possible with makeup and go downstairs. I run into Luca and awkwardly stand there.

"Need anything?" he asks grinning. I swear everytime I see him he's either smirking or grinning.

I clear my throat. "No, but just wanted to tell you that my sister is coming to drop off my niece so I can watch her, " his intense gaze made me uncomfortable. I clear my throat again and he adjusts himself.

"Ok, thanks for telling me in advance," he says and then walks away. Por Dios! Arrogant jerk! I huff and move on. I say hi to the girls and chat with them while I wait.

I hear the doorbell ring and I shoot up from my seat and rush to the door. I ignore Luca who was looking at me weird and proceed. I open the door and there is Aviana with Aria. I let them in and hug Aviana, she sets down Aria and I bend down.

"Hey girly, " I hold out my arms and she wobbles her way to me. I pick her up and hug her. "I missed you, " I kiss her cheek and brush the hair out of her face. I don't fail to notice Luca is still in the room, looking our way.

"Hey, are you ok?" I hear Aviana whisper. I look at her and nod.

"Ok then, I have to go. Have fun with Auntie Allie." She kisses Aria's forehead, gives me her diaper bag and then leaves but not before talking to Luca.

Wonder what they're talking about?

After she leaves I set Aria down and she starts wobbling off somewhere. She's getting the hang of walking already. I follow her around the house and once I start to get tired I pick her up and settle her down.

"You're fast, " I say trying to catch my breath. She giggles and looks up at me with her big brown eyes. I smile as I feel happy. I walk into the living room where everyone is. The girls gush over how cute Aria is. I set her down on the floor seeing there's nothing that can hurt her. I watch her as she crawls and walks around the living room.

I feel eyes burning through me. Occasionally I glance at Luca and everytime I do he's looking at me. I feel very uncomfortable and awkward. I shift around in my seat still feeling uncomfortable. The last time I felt this uncomfortable was with Alexander. A chill ran down my spine making me shiver.

"Are you ok?" I turn my head to Vanessa.

"Yeah um, I just remembered something." I say not wanting to mention him. They know about my past and what happened, not to mention he was Vanessa's cousin.

She nods and turns away. I grab Aria and go upstairs into my room. I sit on the bed and put Aria on my lap. She starts to pout and looks like she's about to cry.

"Hey, why are you pouting, " I say in a baby voice. I pull her close to my chest and sway side to side. She starts to hum and make little sounds.

"I know exactly what you want, you want me to sing don't you?" I say and she immediately stops and looks up at me. I laugh and think of something to sing. Once I got the song in my head I sit her down on the floor and look for the song on my phone. I turn up the volume loud enough to hear the music and me.

"Sometimes we take it too far and go in at the deep end uh huh, uh huh," Aria gives me a big smile and I grin while continuing.

"No matter what the deal babe you know that I'll be there, uh huh, uh huh,

If we lose our way, let the world start to creep in uh huh, uh huh,

Can't let nobody's words be the why we ain't speakin' uh huh uh uh,

Only the birds and the bees know where we go
Little bit high, little bit low,

'Cause we've come, we've come so far, oh baby mmm,

Baby too much is not enough,

All the things that we do for love,

'Cause we've come, we've come so far, oh baby
When you're coming around,

'Cause nothing else matters like us
And nothing else matters like love,

I don't wanna fight, not tonight
'Cause we're having fun now,

And nothing else matters like us
And nothing else matters like love,

You just gotta believe, if it leaves then it's coming back around
And I don't really care about nothing else, "

I continue singing softly. When I finish Aria giggles and claps her hands. I laugh and pick her up, making her stand on my lap.

"Thank you munchkin!" She starts to babble and plays with my necklace. "Be careful, " I warn her. "You can play with it but don't break it," I say not wanting her to break the necklace. It was given to me on Everleigh's first birthday a month ago, as a commemorating gift. I still remember that day, the joy, sadness, and grief. Something was given to me but then taken away, I miss her everyday.

I hear whimpering and see Aria with a concerned face. She touches my cheek and I realize I was crying. Get's me every time! I wipe away the tears and reassure her. I get the feeling that she's tired and decide to put her down for a nap. I get her to sleep and end up falling asleep with her.

*2 hours later*

I wake up to grunting and whimpering. I slowly open my eyes to see Aria awake. I yawn still feeling drowsy and sit up. I get Aria up and attend to her needs. I realized that I finally got to sleep without having a nightmare, I'm probably jinxing it but I finally got to sleep!

I smile feeling happy, guess my little munchkin helped.

I take Aria downstairs and feed her. Aviana and Noah come to get her a couple hours later. I smile brightly feeling something stir inside of me.

Here's another long chapter for you. If you haven't noticed I love Little Mix, there my favorite girl band. Anyway, hope you liked it, I know it doesn't seem like much but I'm getting to the fun part, slowly but surely! Jennifer❤️💛2/2/19

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