Chapter 29: Opening Up

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"That's unacceptable missy!" I scold Gracie, who's covered in dirt and mud. Her white fur looks brown and she smells. She wags her tail and she looks happy, sticking her tongue out.

I shake my head and explain to her that it's not okay to roll around in dirt and mud. She's still a puppy and she is learning.

"Why the hell is Gracie covered in mud and in the house?" I turn around and see Luca standing by the doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest. My face turns bright red and I feel it get hot. By the tone in his voice, I could tell I was in trouble.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Oh, Gracie! Let's hope you don't get me yelled at.

After some time I finally start speaking. "It isn't my fault. She's just a puppy and learning, Luca. Dogs are a big responsibility and before you say 'Well apparently you don't have that responsibility, " I mock him. "I do. If I can take care of a baby for five months, I can take care of a puppy." I said with one hand on my hip.

"She's a puppy and wants to have fun, but sometimes having fun means rolling around in mud, huh Gracie?" Gracie barks back in agreement. Luca sighs and comes closer.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He asked sarcastically. I stop myself from talking back and rolling my eyes, it took a lot.

"I'll clean her off. Don't ask why I'm doing this." He walks past me and stands beside Gracie.

He's never done anything for me and now he's going to do this?

"You're not gonna hoses her down are you?" He looks away and scratches the back of his neck. "Luca! It's freezing from the rain, look at her she's shaking!"

He rolls his eyes and looks down at Gracie. "What else am I suppose to do?" He said shrugging.

"Well, we can just bathe her in the bath." I suggest.

"Not my bathroom."

I roll my eyes and mumble to myself, "Dios Mio."

"My bathroom idiot." I scoffed. "You want to repeat that, babe." He smirked, I shut my mouth and keep quiet. Satisfied with himself he grinned and looked back at Grace.

The poor thing is shivering and needs someone to warm her up. Not being able to take it anymore, I say "Fuck it, " and go pick her up, taking the chance of ruining my white blouse. "You are helping me because you're being such a douleur dans le cul!" (Pain in the ass) Bet you didn't know I can speak French!

He looks at me dumbfounded. Try finding that out, pain in the ass. I smirk and start heading up the stairs. Thankfully Gracie isn't fully grown and still is small, so she isn't that heavy. I kick my door open and go to the bathroom, setting her down in the bath. She starts whimpering and from a previous situation, I know she does not like baths, lucky me huh.

"Do I have to help?" Luca says, coming up from behind me. "Yes, you do. You really think I'm going to let you hose down my dog? No. She's too precious and my baby." I synthesize some words to try and get my point across.

"Fine." He said with a groan. A smile spread across my face and I start to get everything we need together.

I turn the faucet on and immediately Gracie starts to howl. "I know baby! You hate baths but just bare with us, okay? Can you do that for mama." I talk to her as if she's my own little one and pet her head, giving her a kiss on her snout.

I told Luca to come and neal down beside me and hand me things when I needed him to. He hands me the dog shampoo and I lather it on Gracie's body.

"Why did you name her Gracie?" I stop washing Gracie and look at Luca, curiosity filled his eyes. "It's ok if you don't want to answer, I-"

"No, it's fine." I interrupt. "You ask something and I'll answer...if you're lucky." He chuckled. A blush crept on my cheeks and I look down.

"I met a girl in elementary and we became the bests of friends. She came from a difficult background, to be precise abuse." I take a deep breath before continuing. "Her parents were cruel people who saw their daughter as a sin, burden, mistake, failure, every word you can imagine. She still managed to make me smile and laugh everyday, although she was in pain. I did help her a lot and I'm happy I could." The tears were coming, but I refuse to cry. I may seem like a girl who cries a lot and your right! Very emotional, especially when I was pregnant.

"Unfortunately she passed away 10 years ago, coming up 11. That's why I named her Gracie." I put my whole weight against the bathtub and take a break. That was a mouthful, also the shorter version of what happened.

"Were you able to see her before the funeral, that is if you had one." He finally spoke after some silent. I shake my head. "No. When she did die they called my parents and they told me the news. Oddly no one was able to see her. Her casket was closed and remained closed."

"That surely is odd." He whispered to himself thinking I couldn't hear him, but I did. I was going to ask why but someone decided it would be ok to jump out of the bath!

"Gracie!" She went wild and started shaking to get the water off her. After wrestling with her we, Luca and I, got her back in the bathtub. But...with us in it.

"I should've thought twice before buying you a dog." Luca said. I start laughing seeing him covered in bubbles. He starts splashing water at me and I start splashing water at him. Gracie loves the fact that we're taking a bath with her, she's jumping and being a happy pup.

All that could be heard was laughing and splashing. Somehow I ended up on Luca's lap and we just relaxed. Gracie got in on it too.
Well lovely's, this is all for today's chapter. Sorry for the wait but I got it out on time.

Hope you Liked or Loved this chapter! And if you did don't forgets to vote and comment.

The next chapter or two will be fill in chapters and then I'll get on with the juicier stuff!

Love you all and Until next time!

5/17/19 Jennifer❤️💛

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