Swim - Clarisse La Rue

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*Not a request, just for fun!* 

Sneaking out of Cabin 10 was easy, her siblings were all knocked out, sleeping like they wouldn't even wake if there was a fire. 

Y/N slipped on her sandals and made her way outside, into the brisk summer air. It was far past midnight, yet she found herself completely unable to sleep. No matter what she tried, she could not seem to fall asleep even for a minute. So she opted for taking a swim. 

Y/N did not typically swim during the day. For one thing, it was unbelievably hot when the campers would take mid-afternoon swims, and for another she had always just finished doing her hair and was not about to ruin it. 

But now the air was cool, and her hair was pulled into a long braid, perfect conditions for swimming. 

After walking for a while, Y/N heard what she thought were footsteps behind her, but when she whirled around, dagger in hand, nobody was there. 

Blaming it on the lateness of the night and her sleep deprived state, she continued on until she reached the lake. She quickly pulled off her large camp half-blood tee shirt and slipped into the water. 

It was bitterly cold at first, causing her whole body to go rigid from the temperature, but she eventually warmed up to it. 

Y/N swum a couple of feet out and floated on her back, staring up at the stars. That was one of her favorite things at camp, the sky was lit up by thousands of stars every single night. No large buildings or blinding street lights to obscure them. Here it was just her and the stars. 

Or so she thought. 

"Kinda late for a swim isn't it?", a voice called from land.

Y/N startled, loosing her balance and slipping under the water. 

She came back to the surface after a second, pushing the loose strands of hair off her face and glaring at a dark figure in the distance. 

"You gave me a heart attack!", she shouted, swimming back to shore. 

Once she got close enough, she was able to make out who had nearly killed her. 

Clarisse La Rue stood at the edge of the water, with a smirk on her face. 

Y/N looked at her and groaned, before moving back out towards the water, "What do you want Clarisse?". 

It was no secret that the two girls didn't like each other. Neither had particularly done anything to the other but the two had been fierce rivals since the moment they arrived on camp. 

It seemed like everything Y/N did, Clarisse made every effort to do better and everything Clarisse did, was much more impressive when Y/N did it. The two infuriated one another. 

In the distance, Y/N saw Clarisse pull off her own t-shirt, to which Y/N glanced down into the water, blush spreading across her face. 

She didn't dare look up when she heard slight splashing in the water next to her. 

The thought of Clarisse being so near to her, at night, by themselves, made her nervous. Y/N blamed it on a fear of being maimed with no witness, but something in the flutter of her heart suggested otherwise. 

"You know I was having a really peaceful movement before you showed up", Y/N hissed, resuming lying on her back. 

"Oh were you?". 

"Yes. Now what do you want?". 

Clarisse sighed beside the girl and took to swimming around her in circles. She never was the type to relax. 

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