Understanding-Luke Castellan

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*request from @JulzLovDraco4Eva hope u like pookie!* 

Being a daughter of Poseidon meant a lot of things. It meant that Y/N could control water, and understand water creatures. It meant that she was a forbidden child, and her life was in danger 24/7. But above all it meant she had Percy Jackson as a little brother, a very... protective little brother. 

"What is he staring at?", Percy grumbled, nodding his head towards Luke who was sat at the Hermes table, his eyes glued on the siblings. 

Grover, who had opted to sit with them, shrugged, "Probably waiting to bother us". 

Y/N looked up from her food and glared right back at Luke, who's confident stare seemed to weaken when met with her own.  She wished he would just leave her brother and his friends alone. She wasn't even sure what the kids had done, but he was insistent on teasing them too often. It didn't help that he was so irritating to argue with. He would always fix Y/N with this smug look that made her want to melt- no!- kick him. Yeah, she wanted to kick him, him and his stupid pretty face. 

When her and Percy had first come to camp, Luke was practically their one man welcome committee. He spent most of his time training Percy or hanging out with Y/N. Her and Luke grew close fast, she loved walking around camp or training with him. Then one day he went into the mortal world for a while, and when he came back, he wanted nothing to do with any of them. 

"Hey guys", Annabeth greeted, sitting down at the table, "What is she looking at?". She nodded her head at Y/N, who was still in some sort of staring contest with Luke. 



After a while, Luke gave up and turned his head away from the group. Y/N turned back with a triumphant smile, "Done". 

Percy chuckled, "I don't get what he wants from us?". 

"I don't get what we did to him", Annabeth chimed in sadly. Y/N squeezed her hand, noticing how sad the girl got when Luke was mean to them. Annabeth smiled up at her gratefully, but the dark cloud remained on her face. 

Later that day, the friends went to sword fighting practice, where Chiron was waiting to pair people up. 

"Percy, you'll be with Annabeth, Clarisse you'll be with Chris", he read off at least 30 names from a clipboard before turning to Y/N, "And Y/N you'll be with Luke".

"Wait what?", Y/N asked incredulously. 

"No!", Percy butted in, "Absolutely not, I am not letting him fight my sister! Switch somebody, please. She can't work with him". 

Y/N laid a hand on Percy's shoulder to calm him down while Chiron fixed them with surprised looks. 

"My pairings are final Percy", Chiron responded, "She will be fine. Your sister is very capable". 

Percy started to protest again, but Y/N clamped a hand over his mouth, "Perc, I'll be fine. Go to Annabeth, it's ok". 

Percy glared from her to Luke, "If he hurts you at all, I swear". 

Y/N nodded, trying to hold back a laugh. Her brother was at least 2x smaller than Luke, and hadn't had a ton of training, she wasn't sure what he would be able to do to Castellan, but she appreciated the gesture. 

"Time to face my fate", she mumbled, strolling over to Luke. 


When she saw Luke Castellan standing there, a cocky smirk on his face, she was beyond ready to fight him. To make him pay for how he treated her friends, How he treated her,  then he spoke. 

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