Traitors pt2- Luke Castellan

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*for @JulzLovDraco4Eva sorry this took so long 😭😭* 

"You won't get away with this", Percy shouted at Hermes, "Y/n will come find us, or Clarisse". 

Hermes chuckled at the three kids tied up around a pillar, "No, I will get away with this. I have helpers". 

When Luke walked into the room holding Y/N's hand, a silence fell over the group. 

Annabeth spoke first, "Y/n?". 

Y/n couldn't bring herself to look at her, "Annabeth". 

"No guys come on", Grover tried to reason, "What did you do to her Luke? She's probably hypnotized". 

"I'm not hypnotized Grover. And we're not going to hurt you either", Y/n explained. 

"This is what happens when we leave you at camp for two days?", Percy scoffed, "Seriously?". 

Y/n glared at him, "Luke is right. He has a point Percy, just let us keep the bolt". 

"Can't let that happen", a girl's voice came from the door. Clarisse stood there, arms crossed and spear in hand, "Traitors", she sneered. 

Clarisse didn't scare Y/n, they had trained together for years, she was predictable. 

Percy, Grover, and Annabeth got themselves free and a fight broke out. 

Hermes seemed more than content to let the demigods fight while he worked on securing the bolt. 

Clarisse helped Grover and Annabeth fight Luke, but Percy stood up to Y/N. 

"Percy, just let it go. Don't make me do this", she pleaded firmly. The boy's eyes flashed with rage, with betrayal. 


Instead of stopping, he lunged towards her with riptide and attacked. Percy knew he was no match for her, she had been teaching him since he arrived, alongside Luke, and he knew she was beyond strong. But he kept on fighting. 

For Y/n it was easy to block and dodge the boy's attacks. She wouldn't hurt him, but she wasn't gonna let him hurt her either. 

"Hermes took the bolt!", Annabeth shouted. 

Just then, the house started to crack, and the floors shook beneath them violently. 

"We gotta go, forget about those two. Hermes has the bolt", Clarisse ordered. 

Percy turned back to Y/n , "You don't have to leave. If you leave, you'll be a threat, people will come for you. You can come back with us, we're your friends". 

Y/n sighed, "Percy, I love him, Luke is the best thing that's ever happened to me, this is what I have to do. I'll see you on the other side". 

Surprisingly, he let her run out the door, Luke's hand holding hers again. As they ran, tears fell down Y/N's cheeks. 

Luke stopped her once they reached a clearing in the woods, "Hey. It's ok, we're doing the right thing". 

"Then why does it feel so bad?", she cried. 

He hugged her tightly, his hands caressing her head gently as he whispered reassuring things into her ears. Once she had calmed down, they walked on, until they found a small cottage that looked to be empty. 

"I think I know where we can go", Luke suggested, offering her one of his signature grins. She kissed his cheek, "perfect". 

*1 year later* 

"I think it looks cute!", Y/n protested staring at the wall of the cottage. Luke sighed and hugged her waist, resting his head atop hers, "I think it's very..bright. If you like it though, then I love it". 

She giggled and tilted her head up, away from the wallpaper, to kiss the corner of his mouth. 

"You missed", he pouted. 

Y/n rolled her eye and kissed his lips. He turned her around in his grip while he kissed her, her hands running through his curls. 

"You know, this is a good house to start a family in", Luke mumbled against her lips. 

Y/n pulled away with a laugh, "Now don't push it Castellan". 

*Authors Note*

Hiii! This part was deffo a lot shorter than the last one but I hope it was everything you wanted! Super fun to write, although her connection to the trio pained me a little lol. Anyways I haven't asked a question in a while so... 

Who's your favorite singer/band? 

Mine is probs Clairo or Conan Gray. But I also love Taylor and Hozier! 

As always hoped you enjoyed and ily guys sm. Tysm for 13k reads and 300 votes... that's so crazy to even say. 


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