Hold my Girl - Will Solace

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*A request from the lovely @Jess-Writes-Fanfics tysm!

One would think, that being a daughter of Hypnos meant that sleep would come easily to them, and for the most part they were right. All of the Hypnos kids were known for being tired and falling asleep anywhere at any time Well almost all of them... 

Y/N L/N swore she was cursed.There was no other way to explain why she could never seem to fall asleep easily, her father was literally the god of sleep. Very frequently, she found herself lying Awake in her bed, staring up at the ceiling while the sounds of her siblings snores filled the room. 

Tonight was one of those nights, and she thought she might go insane if she didn't fall asleep soon. After a while, she had given up on trying to force herself to sleep and startled to doodle instead. 

She didn't think while she did so, just let her hand move around the paper, hoping she'd be tired eventually. When she glanced down at her page, snapping out of her sleep-deprived daze, the whole paper had little drawings of a blonde boy with wavy hair, and his name in script with little hearts. 

Will Solace. 

The boy plagued her thoughts nearly every hour of the day, and now he's seeped his way into her subconscious. She thought of her best friend as she threw the sketch pad on the floor. His warm smile and comforting hugs. The way he always smelt vaguely citrusy when he enveloped her in his arms. 

Her heart was overcome with the desire to be in those arms, keeping her even further from sleep. She thought about going to see Will, just giving into her thoughts, but when the clock struck 12 am she figured it'd be best not to bother him. 

Y/N lied down again, trying to force down the daydreams of Will and hopefully fall asleep. But as usual, sleep never came. Her eyes were tired, and she was about to cry if she didn't get some sleep soon. So she finally gave up and threw the covers off of her, slipping out of her cabin quickly. 

The Apollo cabin wasn't far away, so she only had to walk a couple of feet before she was standing at the front door. Her heart was beating erratically in her chest, was she really about to do this? What would she even say to him when she went in. 

Hey Will, I can't sleep and started daydreaming about hugging you so I thought I'd stop by. 

Maybe this wasn't the best idea. But as she was about to turn around and go back to her cabin, she saw a harpy fly towards it, as if he could tell a camper had left. Before she could get caught, she pushed open the door to Apollo cabin and shut it behind her. 

Surprisingly enough, none of them woke up when she slipped inside. In the far corner of the room, the moonlight shone on a familiar head of blonde hair. Y/N moved to Will's bed and sat down on the edge of it. He was sound asleep, sprawled across his bed with half of his face smooshed into his pillow. 

Just watching him Y/N felt herself calm down, her heartbeat slowed, as did her breathing. He was breathtaking to look at, but he was also so comforting to be around. 

"Will", she whispered, shaking his shoulders gently. 

"Mmmm", he mumbled in response. 

"Will", Y/N whispered louder. 


He rubbed his eyes and groggily sat up in his bed, squinting to see who had woken him up. When he saw Y/N staring at him, a smile broke out on his face. 

"Hey! Where'd you come from?", he asked cheerfully, his voice a little deeper than usual from sleep. 

"My cabin, I can't sleep. Sorry, I don't really know why I came in here, I just really can't sleep", she explained sheepishly. 

Will regarded her for a moment, then lied back down in his bed and stretched his arms out, "C'mere". 

Y/N blushed madly, was he asking her to lie down with him? Cautiously, she slid under the covers and beside Will.

"Can I hold you? Do you want me to hold you?", he whispered. 

"Yes please", Y/N answered, before she could really think about what she said. 

Will lifted her into his arms, placing her head on his chest so she could hear his heartbeat, he laid his cheek on top of her head and brushed a hand through her hair, trying to lull her into sleep. 

Y/N didn't even think about how close they were, she was relishing in the privilege of lying here in his arms, his warm body closed over hers. She was tired, that was certain, but just couldn't quite sleep yet. 

"You asleep?", he asked after maybe 15 minutes. 

"I wish, this is helping, I just still can't sleep", Y/N was starting to believe she would actually never sleep. 

Will was silent for a while, his hand continued to play with her hair, while another had begun to rub circles on her back. Then he spoke again. Well not spoke exactly. 

"I've been waiting for you to come around and tell me the truth", he sang quietly into her ear. 

She recognized the song immediately, remembering the time she had played it for him with the phone she snuck into camp. They had slow danced goofily to it that night, it was one of her favorite memories. 

"About everything that you're going through, my girl you've nothing loose". 

Her eyes grew heavy, and she snuggled deeper into Will's chest. 

"Cold nights, and the Sunday mornings. On your way and out of the gray". 

Y/N let her eyes flutter close, she was still awake, but felt like she'd fall asleep in a moment . 

"I've got time, I've got love. Got confidence you'll rise above. Give me a minute to hold my girl, give me a minute to hold my girl". 

He continued to stroke her hair and rub her back, smilin at how sleepy she was getting. 

"Crowded time, silent bed. Pick a place to rest your head. Give me a minute to hold my girl. give me a minute to hold my girl".

Y/N didn't hear the last line of what she sang, as she finally sank into a deep slumber, safe and happy in Will's arms.

He stopped singing and placed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Goodnight, my girl". 


The things I would do for someone to sing me to sleep like that. Anyways I hope you all like this.. this is my fav song so I couldn't resist adding it in. Also I hope I got Will's character right, I feel like I haven't seen a ton of him yet but I've only just started son of Neptune so. Tysm for all your support on this story as usual, you guys' comments make my whole day i just LYSM. Now, I'm curious: 

What's ur favorite love song? 

Mine is probably this one (Hold my Girl by George Ezra) or My kind of woman by Mac Demarco. But lmk in the comments what urs is!! Have a great day! 


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