Panic Attacks- Travis Stoll

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*request from the super cool @Jess-Writes-Fanfic ly queen hope u like* 

It had been many years since Y/n had left her home and run into the woods. Many years since a satyr had dragged her from her abusive father and towards Camp Halfblood. Her scars from her father had largely healed, but pain doesn't fade that quickly. 

Y/n was currently walking across the lawn with Silena, who recounting how Beckendorf had asked her out while Y/n listened. Today had been a good day, she hadn't had any nightmares the night prior and made it through the whole day without thinking about her past. 

"So then obviously I said yes, and oh he was so cute", she shrieked.

Y/n nodded, but she felt her heart beat uncomfortably quickly in her chest. Her body felt uncomfortable, and she felt like the world was closing in on her. 

"Y/n?", Silena shook her shoulder, "What's wrong". 

Y/n froze in her tracks and tried to speak, but all that came out was labored breathing. She clutched a hand to her chest, trying in vain to still her pounding heart. 

"I-", she tried to stutter out, but it was no use. 

"Y/n?", Silena sounded panicked now, which made Y/n feel even worse. She had sunk to the ground and a crowd of people was forming around her. She felt like she was trapped in a small closet. 

She tried to urge people away from her, they were too close, too loud. She couldn't feel a thing besides the erratic beats of her heart and the shaky breaths barely escaping her lungs. 

"EVERYBODY BACK UP", a voice shouted through the crowd.

Y/n wasn't able to shift her attention long enough To figure out who said it. If she had focused, she would have seen a hoard of campers back away at the command of Travis Stoll. He was usually laid back or joking, they had never seen him so serious and it scared them. She found out soon enough who had come to her rescue when Travis collapsed beside her. He held her shoulders firmly in his hands and stared into her eyes. 

She was still having trouble breathing, but tried her hardest to focus on the boy in front of her. 

"It's okay, I'm here. You're safe, you're ok", he squeezed her lightly, "You can feel me, right?". 

Y/n nodded, shakily. 

Travis gently pressed his hands to her cheeks, "Focus, think of anything else. What do you see?". 

"You", she choked out. 

He rubbed his thumb on her face, "Good, what else?". 

Slowly she began listing things she could see through her shallow breaths. Then what she could hear, and feel and smell. Eventually, Y/n's heart seemed to slow down. Travis wrapped her up in his arms and rocked her back and forth slowly. 

"I got you", he whispered, "You're okay, I promise". 

She buried her head into his chest, running her trembling fingers along his face and his arms. He was right there, and she was okay. Y/n thought about nothing else but the feeling of Travis' body pressed against hers. She took several deep breaths before pulling her head up and staring at him. 

"You're okay", he promised, "What happened?". 

Y/n shook her head, "I was just walking with Silena, I don't know. It was one of those that just happened". 

He nodded and kissed her cheeks gently, "Okay, it's over now. Come, let's go to your cabin". 

Travis scooped her up and she put her legs around his waist so she wouldn't fall. Y/n hid her face in his sweater while he carried her to the Hecate cabin so she wouldn't have to see all the faces of her fellow campers. 

When she did glance up, she saw how everybody immediately moved out of their way and looked away from them. It seemed like Travis' yell had scared them enough to know that they needed to stay away. 

He finally bought her into her cabin and lied her down on the bed. 

"Rest a bit, okay sweetheart", he urged and with a kiss on her head he strolled away from her bed. 

"No", she called in a small voice, "Stay". 

He whipped around and gave her a look like she had just said the cutest thing in the world. Then wordlessly slipped under her covers and pulled her onto his chest. Once they we're settled comfortably, Y/n started talking. 

"Thank you for helping me", she murmured into his chest. 

"Don't thank me. I didn't do much", he said. 

Y/n lifted her head from his chest and fixed him with a pout. 

"Travis Stoll, you calmed me down. I felt like I was suffocating and you reminded me how to breathe. You are my comfort, don't say you didn't do much",  she protested. 

He grinned, the usual goofy look returning to his face, "I love you". 

She smiled and hovered her lips right above his, "I love you too Trav". 

So he kissed her. And in that moment, as he held her close to him, she knew she had found someone who would always help her through her panic attacks. Someone to rely on, and be comforted by. And someone to love. 


Stoll brothers, how I love you. 

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