Saved pt2 - Percy Jackson

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Y/n had never actually left the house that Percy, Grover, and Annabeth found her in. She didn't know a thing about the outside world, but she was smart.

Her mother had allowed her to get books on every school subject under the sun, but she had never been allowed to leave home. Because of this, the group of demigods had opted to take her back to camp before they embarked on their quest.

That had been nearly ten days ago, and since then she had settled into Hermes cabin, though she was not a demigod. Annabeth and Grover had returned before Percy, which worried Y/n greatly, but Annabeth promised her that he was okay.

"Y/n!", Travis Stoll ran into the cabin followed by Luke, where Y/n was lying on her bed, "Hes back. Percy's back".

She sprung up so quickly that she scared Travis And Luke and sprinted from the cabin as fast as possible.

"Jeez, someone's excited", Luke teased.

Y/n was excited, she was elated actually. Here was the boy who had saved her life, and then promptly went on to save the world. Who wouldn't be excited?

There was a line of people outside, waiting for Percy. All of a sudden cheers erupted and Y/n knew he was back.

She just made it to the front of the line as he walked through the crowd.

"Percy!", she yelled, giving him no time to react before she bolted into his arms.

"Hey Y/n!", he beamed, holding onto her tightly so she wouldn't topple over with her legs off the ground, "How are you holding up?".

"You just came from the underworld! How are you holding up, are you okay?".

She slid away from his hug to inspect him for injuries, but was cut off quickly when he pulled her back close to him.

"I'm okay, just stay here for a second".

"Kay", she squeaked out, afraid if she said anything more she'd dissolve into a giggling mess. Percy hugging her this close, gods she wished she could stay there forever.

He moved to speak to his friends, but kept his arm around her shoulder as he did so. Eventually they had to part ways, as there was much Percy needed to tell Chiron.

"Wait Percy!", she called as he walked towards the office.

The boy spun around confused, and she ran up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "I'll see you later!".

There were more cheers from the crowd, which confused Y/n but she kept walking into the cabin.


Later that night, there were fireworks. She had followed Travis to the bonfire, but kept scanning every face for Percy.

"I don't think he's here right now", Travis whispered, "Come to think of it, neither is Annabeth". He raised his eyebrows as if he was suggesting something but Y/n didn't get it.

"Didn't think the dude would be a player, but I guess you never know", Travis shrugged.

"What is he playing?".

Travis shifted uncomfortably, "Um. Well usually when a boy and girl are gone, and it's just them, they're usually... together?".

"Oh", Y/n sunk into her seat a little bit lower. He was with Annabeth, of course he was, I mean it made more sense. Of course he'd like the girl who went on a dangerous quest with him, over some random girl who was the daughter of a monster.

"Hey", Travis patted her shoulder, "I could be wrong. Don't worry about it".

She offered him a smile, but her spirits were low for the rest of the night. That is, until Percy came running over to her. 

"Luke", he panted, "Its Luke. Where's Chiron?". 

Annabeth was trailing behind him, she looked completely blank faced, which was completely contrast to Percy's frantic state. 

"Luke what? What did Luke do?", Y/n asked. 

"He stole the bolt", Annabeth answered plainly. 

***************************** (sorry if that's rushed it just feels unnecessary to go into details) 

A couple of days later, Percy, Grover, Annabeth, and Y/n stood by the tree on Halfblood hill, ready to say their goodbyes for the year. 

Percy had offered Y/n a chance to come back with him.

"My mom won't mind, and you'll get to see New York. Which is cool", he had explained. 

So now there they stood, his hand holding hers as it had done days prior, except this time their lives weren't in danger. 

At least she hoped not. 

"Promise that no matter what happens, we meet back here next summer", Percy announced. 

Everybody agreed, and they all hugged. 

"Have fun in New York Y/n!", Annabeth called, while her and Percy descended the hill. 

"You really thing your mom is going to be there?", Y/N asked nervously as they got into a taxi. 

Percy sighed, "I hope so".

Y/N noticed how exhausted he looked, she guessed he had looked like that for a couple of days, but he looked especially tired today. 

"Why don't you get some sleep?", she offered, "You said it's at least an hour to the city". 

Percy nodded, and placed his head down on her shoulder. She hadn't expected the sudden contact, but she welcomed it, resting her head on top of his. It seemed like the most logical thing to do. 

After a while the cab finally pulled up in front of the building. 

"Ay! You're here", the cab driver slapped the back of his seat to wake the kids up. Percy jolted up first, head butting Y/N and profusely apologizing before they stepped out. 

Percy hesitated once they were inside the lobby, staring at the elevator as if waiting for some confirmation that going back was a good idea. 

Y/N stared at it too, "Do you want me to press it? What number". 

"Uh 2". 

In all honesty, she had offered largely because she had never actually seen an elevator before. It took everything in her to not press every button and see what would happen. 

When they got on, and the contraption jolted, Y/N grabbed Percy's arm tightly. That snapped him out of his thoughts as he rubbed her hand comfortingly, "It's okay, that's what its supposed to do". 

Then they made it to the door. 

"Open it", Y/N urged. 

So he did, and sure enough, standing inside the small apartment was a woman with red hair and piercing blue eyes just like Percy's. 



Y/N stood in the door, smiling brightly at the scene before her. She had hoped so hard that Percy wasn't disappointed when they got there, and here he was. So happy she thought she might get emotional. 

When they finally pulled apart, the woman, Sally, smiled warmly at Y/N, "And who's this?". 

"Um, hi! I'm Y/N", she fidgeted nervously, and Percy went back and held her hand. 

"She's a friend, needed somewhere to stay. Long story", he explained. 

"Got it, welcome!". 

When Percy turned his smile to her, she thought she just might melt. 

This would be an interesting summer for sure. 



Thinking about doing a pt3 for like a day in the summer for them? What do we think?

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