My Hero- Percy Jackson

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*An adorbs little request from @Malwritesstories tysm for this hope you love. Also I realized that Luke is actually the biggest opp in like half of my imagines lmao*

When Y/N and Percy had first gotten to camp, Luke was the first Demi-god to offer any sort of advice or friendship. When Clarisse had picked on them the first day, or when the Hermes kids grumbled about living with more unclaimed kid, Luke was quick to come to their defense. 

It was safe to say things had changed a lot since that first week at Camp Halfblood. Luke had betrayed them all, turned to the side of Kronos and was ready to wage war on the gods. 

Y/N and Percy had also changed. Since that first summer, they had grown closer than imaginable, and were now rather inseparable. Two weeks ago, Percy had finally admitted his long time infatuation with the daughter of Apollo, and if you thought the two were clingy before, imagine how they were now that they were together. 

One particular evening, before curfew had hit, Y/N had plans to hang out with some friends, while Percy had promised to hang out with Grover. Of course however, Percy had insisted on walking her over to Athena cabin, where her friends were gathering. Annabeth greeted them both at the door, with a Hephaestus girl beside her. Percy kissed Y/N quickly, before leaving her to go find Grover. 

He made his way down the forest path, when he spotted a shadow up ahead. 

"Oh hey Grover!", he shouted. 

"What's up Percy", the shadow responded. But the voice didn't sound anything like Grover. 

Percy's stomach churned when he finally matched the voice to a person. Luke Castellan had come back to camp, and he figured it wasn't because he missed roasting marshmallows and playing capture the flag. 

Slowly, Percy uncapped riptide, and stepped towards Luke, the glow from the sword illuminating his scarred face 

"We don't have to fight Percy, we can talk about this you know?", Luke offered, but percy knew he was bluffing and he dashed at him sword in hand. 

"Your funeral, Percy". 

Luke yanked out his sword and began to attack. 

Meanwhile in Athena cabin, Y/N had gone silent in th conversation, and sat frozen with a worried expression. 

"You good?", Claudia, the Hephaestus girl, asked. 

Y/N shook her head, "I think Percy's in trouble". A year prior, Y/N had established an empathy link  with Percy when they got separated during a quest. Now, every so often they could feel when the other was distressed. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the scene in her mind, she caught a glimpse of someone lunging at Percy with a sword. Percy swung towards their face and in the glow of Riptide, Y/N Quickly pieced together the puzzle. 

"Luke's back". 


"Just give up Percy!", Luke demanded, "I'm going to win here, the same way Kronos is gong to win in the end". 


Luke made another jump at Percy, but this time, the boy wasn't fast enough to dodge and the tip of the sword pierced right through his shirt and into his shoulder. Percy doubled over in pain, clutching at his arm as he sliced at Luke again, this time managing to cut him. 

Luke was about to cut Percy into shreds when loud running sounds were heard from behind them. The boys looked up to see a small group of Demi-god girls, all armed, runningtowards them. Y/N suddenly appeared in the front of them, a special skill she got being a daughter of Apollo. 

Just as they began to gain on them, Luke drew a portal with his sword, "I'll be back Jackson", and he disappeared as the group reached them. 

"Percy!", Y/N shrieked, lifting her boyfriend off the ground. 

"Separate and search", Annabeth ordered the rest of the group, "Make sure there isn't any other monsters around here".  The girls did as she instructed and left the couple in the forest. 

Y/N wasted no time sitting Percy up against a tree to examine his injuries. His veins were darkening and his skin was growing paler and paler by the second. "He stabbed me. I think his sword might've had some poison", Percy groaned. 

Y/N got to work quickly healing him while her other hand rubbed his good shoulder comfortingly. After a few minutes she pulled her hands away and studied him again, "You feel any better?", she asked. 

Percy leaned into her, "A lot better, you know what you are Y/N?". 

"A life-saver", she guessed.

"No.. well yes but you're my hero". 

She laughed, planting a gentle kiss onto his lips before pulling him up again and announcing they needed to find the girls. 

The group decided to reschedule their girls night, so Y/n followed Percy to his cabin, where he pulled her into beside him, holding her close to his heart while he slept. 

"I love you Y/N",he mumbled sleepily. 

"I love you more Percy. And I'll always be here for you". 


Ok hi! This was a shorter one then usual but I totally love it and I hope you guys do too! I don't have much to say today but I do want to give shoutouts. Shoutout to JulzLoveDraco4Eva, Malwritesstories, and Wofwofjane!! It won't let me tag down here for some reason but I really wanted to say thank you to these three for their amazing requests and voting and commenting. Y'all rock tysm for supporting me. And thank you to absolutely anyone who's in any way interacted with this story, I love you guys. For today's question: 

What is one song that reminds you of percy Jackson?

For me it's probably Immortals.. which is such an obvi answer bc its so applicable to so many movies and books about like a badass group of teens but I think it fits. 

Anyways as always have the best day and ily all so much. 


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