Talk - Nico DiAngelo

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*request from  @Jess-Writes-Fanfics hope u like!!* 

Nico was pacing back and forth outside of the Athena cabin, trying to figure out what he would say to Y/N if she came outside. It wasn't as if they had never spoken before, but they had never spoken one on one. 

"Hey are you headed to lunch, me too!", he muttered under his breath, "No, that's dumb". 

Annabeth watched the boy pace in front of her cabin, a serious scowl on his face while he was muttering something. Every so often he would glance up at the door, but didn't approach it. He did this for 10 more minutes before curiosity got the best of Annabeth and she flung open the door. 

"What are you doing?". 

Nico practically shrieked, then cleared his throat and shrugged at Annabeth, "Thinking, sorry". 

Annabeth crossed her arms, "So why are you pacing in front of my cabin?". 

"Well Athena's the goddess of wisdom, right?". 


Nico sighed and followed Annabeth into the cabin, where she ordered him to sit down in a chair. She sat on her bed across from him and fixed him with an inquisitive look, "So?". 

He knew it was useless trying to lie to Annabeth, she would figure out what he was doing in an instant, so he told her.

"Your sister, Y/N", Nico slipped his hands into his pockets, "I wanted to talk to her". 

Annabeth pursed her lips, "Why, what's wrong?". 

Nico shook his head and looked down at the floor, "She's pretty".

To say that got a reaction out of the Athena girl would be an understatement. The biggest smile Nico had ever seen on her appeared on Annabeth's face.

 Nico didn't know, but Y/N had been talking about him nonstop for ages. She had developed feelings for the son of Hades a while ago, and Annabeth was left to endure Y/N's never ending rants about how she can't talk to him. To know Nico liked Y/N back felt like a huge relief to Annabeth. 

"You've got a crush on my sister!", Annabeth gasped, "Why didn't you tell me?! You've known her for months, when did this start?". 

Nico blushed, he figured it sounded weird to admit that his not-so-little crush on Y/n started the very first time he had seen her. 

He had been walking around camp with Percy and Leo, only half listening to what the guys were saying as he looked around. 

That's when he saw her. 

She was walking with some girl, and a book clutched in her arms. Her h/c hair blew gently, like the wind was trying to brush through it, with its delicate hands. She was talking animatedly with her friend, her hands gesturing in a mesmerizing way. When she tipped her head back to laugh, Nico desperately wished he was close enough to hear the sound. Percy and Leo were several paces ahead of  him by now, but Nico was rooted in place watching her walk by. 

He got caught staring pretty quickly, yet instead of looking at him like he was a creep, Y/N locked eyes with him and gave him a shy smile, lifting her hand to wave. 

Nico doesn't remember if he waved or smile back, he was too consumed with staring at her. He didn't ask who she was, afraid of revealing how taken by her he was. Instead, he listened intently to the Athena table's conversation that night at dinner, hoping to catch her name without having to ask. 

"Y/N!", Annabeth called suddenly, and when Nico looked back, the girl from earlier had picked her head up to acknowledge annabeth. 


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