Build A Bear- Grover Underwood

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*Request from the best @Wofwofjane enjoy this girl!!!*

"I'm going to get a frog", Grover decided, picking up the unfilled plush. 

Y/n regarded the options before her eyes landed on the pink frog, "Ooh I want this one!". 

Grover grinned widely at her which made her face light up too and they bought the bears.. or frogs rather to be stuffed. 

"Do y'all want to put a sound in it?", the employee asked. 

Before Y/n could answer, a little accessory for her frog caught her eyes from across the store. 

"Grove, I'll be right back!", she announced. 

"Go ahead", he urged, "I'll fill them for you". 

Y/n pulled him into a quick hug, which was over before he even had time to respond, leaving him stood there blushing. 

"Okay", he said to the employee, "I'll put a sound in the pink one". 


Y/n held up the pair of red sneakers she had gotten for her frog, "We should get them more clothes". 

Grover nodded, "You should get yours this one". 

He held up a shirt to Y/n that had strawberries on it. 

"Perfect!", Y/n picked up a blue jacket, "Get yours this one, that way he can match you". 

They walked around the store, picking out different outfits for their frogs until the two decided they were dressed enough. 

"What are we going to name them?", Grover wondered aloud. 

"I'm naming mine (y'all pick and lmk in comments!) what about you?", Y/n answered. 

Grover stared at the frog for a minute, "Wilson". 

They paid for the frogs and started to make their way out of the mall, knowing that they'd have to return back to camp soon. 

"Wait Y/n", Grover called just before the walked out.

Y/n turned around to see him holding her camera, "Smile". 

Y/n laughed and held her frog beside her face, grinning widely for Grover's picture.

"Pretty", he mused quietly. 

Y/n looked at her shoes, nervous that he had called her pretty then regained her composure. 

"Grove smile". 

He did and Y/n's heart practically melted on the spot. 

"Aw", she cooed, "Adorable". 

Grover laughed nervously and ran back over to her so they could get a taxi back to camp. The crowd of people walking into the mall seemed to thicken around Grover and Y/n, so Y/n slid her hand into his and held it tightly. Grover looked up at her with wide eyes. 

"Sorry, there was a crowd, I can let go", she apologized. 

"No!", Grover shouted, then lowered his voice, "No, it's okay. I don't mind". 

He squeezed her hand before they finally found a taxi waiting outside and hopped in. 


The sun had already set by the time they got back to camp, so Grover walked Y/n straight to her cabin to say good night. 

"This was fun", he stated, "Night Y/n". 

But before he could walk away from her, she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him into a hug. Grover was frozen for a minute before he cautiously slid his arms around her torso. 

"Thank you for this", she whispered, "It's not too often I get to visit the mortal world. But I'm glad I got to visit it with you. It meant a lot to me Grover". 

He held her a little tighter, "Of course Y/n, anytime". 

Reluctantly, the two untangled themselves from each other and Grover began to walk into the forest. 

He turned to face Y/n and call out a 'Goodnight' again, except he didn't turn around to walk so he stumbled over a rock. Y/n hid her smile behind her hand and waved to him, watching him from her cabin door until he was too far away. 

She clicked the door closed behind her, trying hard to not wake any of her siblings as she flopped down onto her bed. She sighed a very long, dramatic, lovesick sigh and clutched her frog plushy to her chest. 

"Oh (frog name)", she giggled, "I don't know what to do. I just love him so much".

The frog, naturally, didn't answer her, so Y/n rolled over and squeezed it while she got comfortable in her blankets. 

"I love you Y/n", a voice came, quiet and muffled. 

Y/n sat up in her bed and scanned her cabin, every one of her siblings was fast asleep. She looked out of the windows and even under her bed and still couldn't explain where that voice had come from, or for that matter, why it sounded so familiar.  

Then her gaze fell on the frog, and she squeezed it again. 

"I love you Y/n", the  voice came again, but this time she could recognize it. 


It dawned on her what the employee had meant by "adding a sound". Then it dawned on her that Grover had just Indirectly told her he loved her. Y/n pressed the frog again and again as if to make sure she wasn't dreaming. 

"Oh my gods", she mumbled, "Grover loves me". 

And she loved Grover, oh how she adored him. So she stood up from her bed, grabbed the frog, and bolted into the forest. 

She knew where Grove slept, this was hardly the first time she had snuck out of her cabin to see her best friend who she had been falling for for ages now. 

"Oh hey Y/n", Grover chirped when she approached him. 

Y/n held the frog to him and squeezed it so it spoke again. 

"Oh", he sucked in a breath. 

"You love me?", Y/n asked nervously. 

"Yes", Grover admitted, "I love you a lot, but I get it if you don't feel the same way. I mean I don't blame you, I wouldn't be mad. I just really wanted to tell you but it's". 

"Grover!", Y/n interrupted. 


"Shut up and kiss me". 

His face flushed every shade of red imaginable, but he stood up and pulled her into his arms. Then finally, after what felt like forever, attached their lips together. Their mouths moved in sync as they kissed, reveling in the fact that they loved each other. Y/n threaded her fingers in his curls and his hands applied light pressure to her waist. 

"I love you too", she breathed when they finally pulled apart. 

He smiled and slid down the tree, holding her in his arms still. She tucked her head under his chin, but leaned back to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Grover rested his head on top of hers and held her until she fell asleep clutching her frog in her arms. 


The build  bear frog is the ultimate wingman. 

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